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lornajane /
Last active June 4, 2024 14:36
Keyboard Only OS X

Keyboard-only Mac Cheatsheet

Hi, I'm Lorna and I don't use a mouse. I have had RSI issues since a bad workstation setup at work in 2006. I've tried a number of extra hardware modifications but what works best for me is to use the keyboard and only the keyboard, so I'm in a good position and never reaching for anything else (except my coffee cup!). I rather unwisely took a job which required me to use a mac (I've been a linux user until now and also had the ability to choose my tools carefully) so here is my cheatsheet of the apps, tricks and keyboard shortcuts I'm using, mostly for my own reference. Since keyboard-only use is also great for productivity, you may also find some of these ideas useful, in which case at least something good has come of this :)

Apps List

There's more detail on a few of these apps but here is a quick overview of the tools I've installed and found helpful

Tool Link Comments
DaniSancas /
Created June 14, 2016 23:52
Neo4j's Cypher queries cheatsheet

Neo4j Tutorial


Store any kind of data using the following graph concepts:

  • Node: Graph data records
  • Relationship: Connect nodes (has direction and a type)
  • Property: Stores data in key-value pair in nodes and relationships
  • Label: Groups nodes and relationships (optional)
wpscholar /
Last active June 15, 2024 09:25
Vagrant Cheat Sheet

Typing vagrant from the command line will display a list of all available commands.

Be sure that you are in the same directory as the Vagrantfile when running these commands!

Creating a VM

  • vagrant init -- Initialize Vagrant with a Vagrantfile and ./.vagrant directory, using no specified base image. Before you can do vagrant up, you'll need to specify a base image in the Vagrantfile.
  • vagrant init <boxpath> -- Initialize Vagrant with a specific box. To find a box, go to the public Vagrant box catalog. When you find one you like, just replace it's name with boxpath. For example, vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64.

Starting a VM

  • vagrant up -- starts vagrant environment (also provisions only on the FIRST vagrant up)
hadley /
Created March 13, 2015 18:49
My advise on what you need to do to become a data scientist...

If you were to give recommendations to your "little brother/sister" on things that they need to do to become a data scientist, what would those things be?

I think the "Data Science Venn Diagram" ( is a great place to start. You need three things to be a good data scientist:

  • Statistical knowledge
  • Programming/hacking skills
  • Domain expertise

Statistical knowledge

Join the channel you want to register. Make sure you're an op (either the first to join, or someone who is an op there sets you to +o).
/join #newchannel
/msg chanserv register #newchannel
/msg chanserv set #newchannel mlock +cnt-s
/msg chanserv set #newchannel guard on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel secure on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel topiclock on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel keeptopic on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel url
ramsey / freenode-channel-setup
Created September 17, 2014 19:22
Base Freenode Channel Setup
Join the channel you want to register. Make sure you're an op (either the first to join, or someone who is an op there sets you to +o).
/join #newchannel
/msg chanserv register #newchannel
/msg chanserv set #newchannel mlock +cnt-s
/msg chanserv set #newchannel guard on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel secure on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel topiclock on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel keeptopic on
/msg chanserv set #newchannel url
ericvanjohnson / randomRSVP.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Wrote a quick PHP Script to randomly select a member of our SDPHP User Group using the MeetUp API and polling all the members who RSVP for an Event. This version is designed to run from the command like ```php randomRSVP.php``` Thanks to @johncongdon for "making it work"
# Create Composer file and add MeetUp API PAckage
composer init --require="dms/meetup-api-client:~1.0"
# Install packages
composer install
sckott /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Example using rnoaa

Here's an example workflow for rnoaa.

Note that you can alternatively install the development version of rnoaa from Github by doing

rnagle / ChartView.js
Created March 7, 2014 19:17
* Original author: David Eads (
* Wrap D3 charting components in a simple Backbone view interface
* Provides a redrawing path, data sync, and fallback for non-d3 browsers.
* Views that extend ChartView should implement their own "draw" function and go to work.
* var collection = new Backbone.Collection([ ["Maria", 33], ["Heather", 29] ]);