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Created May 27, 2021 09:04
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Plot lm model fits either right or left, time series counterfactuals
# Make a new kind of modelling which only predicts either right or left
## decorate lm object with a new class lm_right
lm_right <- function(formula,data,...){
mod <- lm(formula,data)
class(mod) <- c('lm_right',class(mod))
## decorate lm object with a new class lm_left
lm_left <- function(formula,data,...){
mod <- lm(formula,data)
class(mod) <- c('lm_left',class(mod))
predictdf.lm_right <-
function(model, xseq, se, level){
## here the main code: truncate to x values at the right
init_range = range(model$model$x)
xseq <- xseq[xseq >=init_range[1]]
ggplot2:::predictdf.default(model, xseq[-length(xseq)], se, level)
predictdf.lm_left <-
function(model, xseq, se, level){
init_range = range(model$model$x)
## here the main code: truncate to x values at the left
xseq <- xseq[xseq <=init_range[2]]
ggplot2:::predictdf.default(model, xseq[-length(xseq)], se, level)
# Make a dummy data set
int = 85
df <- data.frame(
count = as.integer(rpois(132, 9) + rnorm(132, 1, 1)),
time = 1:132,
at_risk = rep(
c(4305, 4251, 4478, 4535, 4758, 4843, 4893, 4673, 4522, 4454, 4351),
each = 12
df$month <- factor(, levels =
df$intv <- ifelse(df$time >= int, 1, 0)
df$intv_trend <- c(rep(0, (int - 1)),
1:(length(unique(df$time)) - (int - 1)))
df <- df %>%
mutate(lag_count = dplyr::lag(count))
fit <- glm(
count ~ month + time + intv + intv_trend +
log(lag_count) + offset(log(at_risk)),
family = "poisson",
data = df
df$group = rep(c("Control","PreIntervention","Intervention","PostIntervention"), c(30,32, 35,35))
# Get predictions on the same scale as the data
df$predict = c(NA, predict(fit, type="response"))
# Plot an example with a left and right extrapolation of lm fit
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = time, y = predict)) +
geom_line() +
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="Control"),method="lm", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=FALSE)+
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="PreIntervention"),method="lm", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=FALSE)+
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="Intervention"),method="lm", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=FALSE)+
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="PostIntervention"),method="lm", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=FALSE)+
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="Intervention"),method="lm_left", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=TRUE, linetype = "dashed",alpha=0.1)+
geom_smooth(data=filter(df,group=="PreIntervention"),method="lm_right", se=TRUE, aes(colour=group),fullrange=TRUE, linetype = "dashed",alpha=0.1)
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