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Created September 24, 2012 14:28
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Save christiaanb/3776214 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
IF NOT EXIST P:\haskell\ghc\package.cache (
goto :install-fp
) ELSE (
goto :install-fp-end
md P:\haskell
md P:\haskell\bin
md P:\haskell\doc
md P:\haskell\lib
ghc-pkg init P:\haskell\ghc
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2012.2.0.0\lib\extralibs\bin;P:\haskell\bin
cabal update
cabal install hscolour --enable-documentation --prefix=P:\haskell\lib --docdir=P:\haskell\doc --bindir=P:\haskell\bin --doc-index-file=P:\haskell\doc\index.html
cabal install gloss --flags="-GLUT GLFW" --enable-documentation --haddock-hyperlink-source --prefix=P:\haskell\lib --docdir=P:\haskell\doc --bindir=P:\haskell\bin --doc-index-file=P:\haskell\doc\index.html
cabal install twentefp --enable-documentation
xcopy %appdata%\ghc\i386-mingw32-7.4.1\package.conf.d P:\haskell\ghc /y
ghc-pkg recache --package-conf=P:\haskell\ghc
IF NOT EXIST P:\haskell\bin\glut32.dll (
goto :download-glut
) ELSE (
goto :get-glut-end
bitsadmin /reset
IF NOT EXIST P:\haskell\bin\ (
goto :download-glut-start
) ELSE (
goto :download-glut-end
bitsadmin /create /DOWNLOAD DownLoadGLUT32DLL
bitsadmin /setpriority DownLoadGLUT32DLL high
bitsadmin /addfile DownLoadGLUT32DLL p:\haskell\bin\
bitsadmin /resume DownLoadGLUT32DLL
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
bitsadmin /resume DownLoadGLUT32DLL
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
bitsadmin /complete DownLoadGLUT32DLL
goto :download-glut
cd /d P:\haskell\bin
"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" x P:\haskell\bin\
xcopy P:\haskell\bin\glut-3.7.6-bin\glut32.dll P:\haskell\bin\ /y
cd /d P:\
del /q P:\haskell\bin\
rmdir /s /q P:\haskell\bin\glut-3.7.6-bin
set ghc_package_path=P:\haskell\ghc;
setx ghc_package_path P:\haskell\ghc;
set path=%PATH%;P:\haskell\bin
setx path P:\haskell\bin
echo :set -XNoImplicitPrelude >> %appdata%/ghc/ghci.conf
echo :set -NoMonomorphismRestriction >> %appdata%/ghc/ghci.conf
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