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Last active June 1, 2016 11:45
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module FIR_transposed where
import CLaSH.Prelude
-- "Normal"
fir1 coeffs us x = (us',y)
us' = (x +>> us)
y = fold (+) (zipWith (*) us coeffs)
-- Transposed
fir2 coeffs us x = (us',y)
ms = map (x*) coeffs
us' = zipWith (+) (us <<+ 0) ms
y = head us
-- Transposed v2
fir3 coeffs us x = (us',y)
ms = map (x*) coeffs
us' = zipWith (+) (tail us) (init ms) :< last ms
y = head us
t1 :: Signal (Signed 16) -> Signal (Signed 16)
t1 = mealy (fir1 (2:>3:>(-2):>8:>Nil)) (repeat 0)
t2 :: Signal (Signed 16) -> Signal (Signed 16)
t2 = mealy (fir2 (2:>3:>(-2):>8:>Nil)) (repeat 0)
t3 :: Signal (Signed 16) -> Signal (Signed 16)
t3 = mealy (fir3 (2:>3:>(-2):>8:>Nil)) (repeat 0)
testInput :: Signal (Signed 16)
testInput = stimuliGenerator (2:>3:>(-2):>8:>Nil)
-- >>> sampleN 4 (t1 testInput)
-- [0,4,12,1]
-- >>> sampleN 4 (t2 testInput)
-- [0,4,12,1]
-- >>> sampleN 4 (t3 testInput)
-- [0,4,12,1]
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