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Created March 26, 2014 17:59
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[cblades@lat-cblades docker-paperboy (master)]$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE latest ebc5250f5907 25 minutes ago 558.3 MB
phusion/baseimage 0.9.9 745d3ac92697 26 hours ago 345.8 MB latest 745d3ac92697 26 hours ago 345.8 MB
[cblades@lat-cblades docker-paperboy (master)]$ docker -D push
[debug] registry.go:144 Registry does not work (Get EOF), falling back to http
[debug] registry.go:57 Registry standalone header: 'True'
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository (1 tags)
Image 511136ea3c5a already pushed, skipping
Image 6170bb7b0ad1 already pushed, skipping
9cd978db300e: Pushing [==================================================>] 215.5 MB/215.5 MB
2014/03/26 13:57:44 }
[cblades@lat-cblades docker-paperboy (master)]$ docker images -t -a
└─511136ea3c5a Virtual Size: 0 B
└─6170bb7b0ad1 Virtual Size: 0 B
└─9cd978db300e Virtual Size: 204.4 MB
└─a6d44c263269 Virtual Size: 204.4 MB
└─13e42d0c2a51 Virtual Size: 204.4 MB
└─846e143f3fab Virtual Size: 204.4 MB
└─10ebd1d649cb Virtual Size: 204.4 MB
└─5db917407faa Virtual Size: 345.8 MB
└─745d3ac92697 Virtual Size: 345.8 MB Tags: phusion/baseimage:0.9.9,
└─815621d91e69 Virtual Size: 345.8 MB
└─fc47fcbc406b Virtual Size: 345.8 MB
└─c971d13260a9 Virtual Size: 465.4 MB
└─aeb916734a07 Virtual Size: 541.6 MB
└─59a15a9c75b0 Virtual Size: 545.5 MB
└─fb89c523647a Virtual Size: 545.5 MB
└─18d45b8f7a20 Virtual Size: 545.8 MB
└─85f480f0f9e5 Virtual Size: 545.8 MB
└─843f2743636f Virtual Size: 545.8 MB
└─8c8c6f531374 Virtual Size: 545.8 MB
└─ebc5250f5907 Virtual Size: 558.3 MB Tags:
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