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Last active December 22, 2015 04:28
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Save christian-bromann/6417028 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
run WebdriverJS with Cucumber.js
Feature: Example feature
As a user of webdriverjs
I should be able to use different commands
to get informations about elements on the page
Scenario: Get size of an element
Given I go on the website ""
When I use getElementSize() on the element ".header-logo-wordmark"
Then I should get a width of "89" and height of "32"
Scenario: Get title of website
Given I go on the website ""
When I use getTitle() to get the title of this website
Then the command should return "GitHub · Build software better, together."
Scenario: Get CSS property of element
Given I go on the website ""
When I use getElementCssProperty() to get the "color" attribute of an element with "css selector" "a[href='/plans']"
Then the command should return "rgba(65,131,196,1)"
* to run these tests you need install Cucumber.js on your machine
* take a look at for more informations
* first, install Cucumber.js via NPM
* $ npm install -g cucumber
* then go into the cucumber directory and start the tests with
* $ cucumber.js
var webdriverjs = require('webdriverjs'),
assert = require('assert');
var sharedSteps = module.exports = function(){
var client = webdriverjs.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'phantomjs'}, logLevel: 'silent' }),
tmpResult = null;
this.Given(/^I go on the website "([^"]*)"$/, function(url, next) {
this.When(/^I use getElementSize\(\) on the element "([^"]*)"$/, function(className, next) {
.getElementSize(className, function(err, result) {
assert(err === null, 'command getElementSize() returns with an error');
tmpResult = result;
this.When(/^I use getTitle\(\) to get the title of this website$/, function(next) {
.getTitle(function(err, title) {
assert(err === null, 'command getTitle() returns with an error');
tmpResult = title;
this.When(/^I use getElementCssProperty\(\) to get the "([^"]*)" attribute of an element with "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)"$/, function(attribute, findBy, cssSelector, next) {
.getElementCssProperty(findBy, cssSelector, attribute, function(err, result) {
assert(err === null, 'command getElementCssProperty() returns with an error');
tmpResult = result;
this.Then(/^I should get a width of "([^"]*)" and height of "([^"]*)"$/, function(width, height, next) {
assert(tmpResult.width == width , 'width of element is ' + tmpResult.width + ' but should be ' + width);
assert(tmpResult.height == height, 'height of element is ' + tmpResult.width + ' but should be ' + height);
this.Then(/^the command should return "([^"]*)"$/, function(result, next) {
assert(tmpResult == result , ' result of command is "'+ tmpResult + '" but should be "'+ result);
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