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chrisjlee / querySelector.polyfill.js
Created February 12, 2014 17:39
IE document.querySelector() polyfill
if (!document.querySelectorAll) {
document.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
var style = document.createElement('style'), elements = [], element;
document._qsa = [];
style.styleSheet.cssText = selectors + '{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}';
window.scrollBy(0, 0);

Write a program in Ruby that parses a dictionary file for unique sequences of letters.


  • The program should generate two output files, "sequences" and "words".
  • The sequences file should contain every unique sequence of four letters that are unique and appear in exactly one word of the dictionary file.
  • Differences in casing should not reflect a unique sequence.
  • Numbers and special characters should not create a unique sequence.
  • The words file should contain the corresponding words that contain the sequence, in the same order, again one per line.
var randomNumbers = [42, 12, 88, 62, 63, 56, 1, 77, 88, 97, 97, 20, 45, 91, 62, 2, 15, 31, 59, 5]
func partition(v: Int[], left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
var i = left
for j in (left + 1)..(right + 1) {
if v[j] < v[left] {
i += 1
(v[i], v[j]) = (v[j], v[i])
hexagon5un / hull.scad
Created February 4, 2018 22:50
OpenSCAD Hull Functions Library
module multiHull(){
for (i = [1 : $children-1])
module sequentialHull(){
for (i = [0: $children-2])
imryanjay / getHBValues.js
Last active May 16, 2022 00:19
Function to get handlebar values from a template
import _ from 'lodash';
export const getHBValues = (text) => {
const re = /{{[{]?(.*?)[}]?}}/g;
const tags = [];
let matches;
while (Boolean((matches = re.exec(text)))) {
if (matches) {
require 'rubygems'
require 'httparty'
require 'fileutils'
require 'json'
USERNAME = ARGV[0] || "patio11"
puts "Username: #{USERNAME} max to fetch: #{MAX_TO_FETCH || "all"}"
jareware /
Last active August 29, 2021 00:56
Simple, semi-anonymous backups with S3 and curl

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Simple, semi-anonymous backups with S3 and curl

Backing stuff up is a bit of a hassle, to set up and to maintain. While full-blown backup suites such as duplicity or CrashPlan will do all kinds of clever things for you (and I'd recommend either for more complex setups), sometimes you just want to put that daily database dump somewhere off-site and be done with it. This is what I've done, with an Amazon S3 bucket and curl. Hold onto your hats, there's some Bucket Policy acrobatics ahead.

There's also a tl;dr at the very end if you just want the delicious copy-pasta.

Bucket setup

dawsontoth /
Created December 6, 2012 15:30
osascript to focus terminal, send ctrl+c, then up, then enter.
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Terminal" to activate
keystroke "c" using {control down}
key code 126
key code 52
end tell
anton-rudeshko /
Last active October 17, 2020 01:01
Convert GoPro photos to timelapse video using ffmpeg CLI.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -r 60: 60 FPS
# -y: rewrite output file
# -start_number 11555: first frame number
# -i 'G%07d.JPG': file format
# -vf "crop=h=2250": video filter to crop input frame height from 3000 to 2250 (which will be eventually downscaled to 720)
# -c:v libx264: video codec x264
# -crf 20: x264 encoding quality (less = better)
# -s 1280x720: output size
sashazykov / bitcoin_address_validator.rb
Created January 9, 2013 09:04
Rails 3 bitcoin address validator. Validator syntaxis: validates :address, :bitcoin_address => true, :presence => true
require 'digest'
class BitcoinAddressValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, field, value)
unless value.blank? || valid_bitcoin_address?(value)
record.errors[field] << "Bitcoin address is invalid"