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Created June 9, 2011 05:32
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TK API Python
To use this class:
Replace self.appkey, userkey, secret, account_number
tradeking = TK.TK()
profit = tradeking.get_profit()
class TK(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, stock_list=[], quotes_cache={}):
self.appkey = 'xxxx'
self.userkey = 'xxxx'
self.secret = 'xxxx'
self.account_number = 'xxx'
self.quotes_cache = quotes_cache
self.counter = 0
self.stock_list = stock_list
self.lock = threading.RLock()
def run(self):
while True:
def regenerate(self, body):
timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
encoded = base64.b64encode(body + timestamp)
signature =, encoded).hexdigest()
return timestamp, encoded, signature
def get_quotes(self):
body = "<request><account>%s</account><quote><symbols>" % (self.account_number)
for stock in self.stock_list:
body += "<symbol>%s</symbol>" % (stock)
body += "</symbols><delayed>false</delayed></quote></request>"
#print "Getting Quotes..."
timestamp, encoded, signature = self.regenerate(body)
request = urllib2.Request('', body)
request.add_header('TKI_USERKEY', self.userkey)
request.add_header('TKI_APPKEY', self.appkey)
request.add_header('TKI_TIMESTAMP', timestamp)
request.add_header('TKI_SIGNATURE', signature)
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json')
results = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(request).read())
if results != None:
quotes = results['response']['quotes']['instrumentquote']
for quote in quotes:
sym = quote['instrument']['sym']
self.quotes_cache[sym] = quote['quote']
print "Error with quotes..."
except KeyError:
if results['response']['type'] == 'Error':
print "Error: " + results['response']['name']
def trade_preview(self, ticker, num_shares):
fixml = '''<FIXML xmlns="">
<Order TmInForce="0" Typ="1" Side="1" Acct="%s">
<Instrmt SecTyp="CS" Sym="%s"/>
<OrdQty Qty="%d"/>
</FIXML>''' % (self.account_number, ticker, num_shares)
body = '''<request>
</request>''' % (self.account_number, fixml)
timestamp, encoded, signature = self.regenerate(body)
request = urllib2.Request('', body)
request.add_header('TKI_USERKEY', self.userkey)
request.add_header('TKI_APPKEY', self.appkey)
request.add_header('TKI_TIMESTAMP', timestamp)
request.add_header('TKI_SIGNATURE', signature)
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json')
results = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(request).read())
if results['response']['type'] == 'Error':
print "Error: " + results['response']['name']
return None
except KeyError:
return results['response']
def get_profit(self):
body = "<request><account>%s</account></request>" % (self.account_number)
timestamp, encoded, signature = self.regenerate(body)
request = urllib2.Request('', body)
request.add_header('TKI_USERKEY', self.userkey)
request.add_header('TKI_APPKEY', self.appkey)
request.add_header('TKI_TIMESTAMP', timestamp)
request.add_header('TKI_SIGNATURE', signature)
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')
request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json')
results = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(request).read())
holdings = results['response']['accountholdings']['holding']
profit = 0.0
for holding in holdings:
profit += float(holding['gainloss'])
return "Profit of $%.2f" % (profit)
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