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Created June 6, 2016 14:25
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import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
import Mouse exposing (Position)
import Time exposing (Time, millisecond)
import String
import Task exposing (perform)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Vector = {x:Float,y:Float}
vectorFromPosition position = {x = toFloat position.x, y = toFloat position.y}
type alias Model =
{ position : Vector
, mousePosition: Vector
, velocity: Vector
, time: Time
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
({position = (Vector 200 200), mousePosition = (Vector 0 0), velocity = (Vector 0 0), time = 0}, perform (\x->NoMsg) InitTime )
type Msg
= MouseMove Position
| Tick Time
| InitTime Time
| NoMsg
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
( updateHelp msg model, Cmd.none )
updateHelp : Msg -> Model -> Model
updateHelp msg model =
case msg of
MouseMove pos -> {model | mousePosition = vectorFromPosition pos}
Tick time -> updatePosition model time
InitTime time -> {model | time = time}
NoMsg -> model
(!+) : Vector -> Vector -> Vector
(!+) a b = Vector (a.x+b.x) (a.y+b.y)
(!*) : Float -> Vector -> Vector
(!*) f v = Vector (f*v.x) (f*v.y)
updatePosition : Model -> Time -> Model
updatePosition model time =
diff = time-model.time
a = model.position
b = model.mousePosition
dx = b.x - a.x
dy = b.y - a.y
addVelocity = Vector (dx*diff/10000.0) (dy*diff/10000.0)
velocity = 0.99 !* (model.velocity !+ addVelocity)
{model | time=time, position = model.position !+ velocity, velocity = velocity}
subscriptions model = Sub.batch <| [moveSubscriptions model, Time.every (10*millisecond) Tick]
moveSubscriptions model = Mouse.moves MouseMove
(=>) = (,)
floatMod a b = toFloat <| ((floor a) % b)
showTime rtime =
time = floatMod rtime (1000*60*60*24)
hours = floor (Time.inHours time)
minutes = floor (Time.inMinutes (time - (toFloat hours)*60*60*1000))
seconds = floor (Time.inSeconds (time - (toFloat hours)*60*60*1000 - (toFloat minutes)*60*1000))
String.join " : " ( (String.pad 2 '0') [
toString <| hours,
toString <| minutes,
toString <| seconds
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
realPosition = model.position
div [] [
p [] [text (showTime model.time)]
, div
[ style
[ "background-color" => "#3C8D2F"
, "cursor" => "move"
, "width" => "100px"
, "height" => "100px"
, "border-radius" => "4px"
, "position" => "absolute"
, "left" => px realPosition.x
, "top" => px realPosition.y
, "color" => "white"
, "display" => "flex"
, "align-items" => "center"
, "justify-content" => "center"
[ text "Drag Me!" ]
px : Float -> String
px number =
toString number ++ "px"
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