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The Socratic Method: A Practitioner’s Handbook

Chapters 1-5

  • TODO: backfill notes

Elements of the Socratic Method

  1. proceeds by question and answer
    • some questions are open ended (especially in the beginning)
    • e.g. propose a definition
    • the person being questioned is the partner of the inquirer
  2. focus on consistency of statements
    • consistency is probed with the elenchus
    • partner should feel compelled to refine their statements or abandon them
  3. questions should aim to identify the principles behind statements
    • then show principle covers things it shouldn’t or omits things it should
  4. use concrete examples to drive reasoning
    • use ordinary examples from everyday interactions
    • make headway on hard problems by talking about specific cases
  5. don’t claim expertise
    • Socrates constantly confesses his own ignorance
    • dialogues often end at an impasse, without an answer


  • denying what someone says is the act of a friend
  • the Socratic method should make your more humble and aware of your own ignorance

The Elenchus


  • means “search”
  • testing, refutation, shame, ridicule
    • the latter two should be reserved for introspection


  • make a claim
  • agree to other propositions (possibly logical conclusion)
  • demonstrate inconsistencies
    • something has to give
    • often a modification of the original claim
    • finding these inconsistencies is the point

Consistency and Truth

  • elenchus is a tool for finding inconsistencies
    • falsification, tearing down bad claims (negative logic)
  • is it possible to build claims using this technique? (positive logic)
    • in science, the strength of our belief in a proposition is proportional to the evidence supporting it and the number of assaults it survives
    • Vlastos’ solution
      • everyone holds at least some true beliefs (axiom)
      • beliefs that survive consistency checks with everything else you believe are likely to be true
      • broad agreement within a belief system
  • accumulation of a set of mutually consistent beliefs is a worthy project
    • cumulative consistency
  • internal inconsistency between two ideas means one of them has to be wrong
    • persuasiveness
      • if ideas conflict with new data, one might doubt the data
      • if ideas conflict with each other, can’t attack the author
Reliability of Consistency
  • is consistency enough? what about being consistent but wrong?
  • can a repellent set of ideas be internally consistent?
    • unlikely: bedrock principles will conflict with some other held truth


  • the “pain in the ribs” one feels at embarrassing propositions
  • fear of what others will say or think has no place in moral reasoning
    • threat to honest inquiry
  • the good kind of shame is that which you’d feel by adopting a morally bad position, forcing you to reconsider your claims or positions
  • discomfort from:
    • realizing you don’t know what you’re talking about
    • you were overconfident, too sure of yourself
  • teaches humility


  • to poke holes in ideas, showing them to be faulty
  • to fend off attacks of ideas by showing holes in their counters
    • indirect support of a claim


  • courage is mental persistence
  • would you agree courage is admirable? (yes)
  • what about unintelligent mental persistence? (e.g stubbornness)
    • isn’t that harmful or dangerous? (yes)
    • are harmful things admirable? (no)
  • so this kind of persistence isn’t courage? (no)
  • conclusion: original claim or definition needs revision

Systole and Diastole

Defining Terms

  • make a claim, state the principle behind the claim
    • show it is either too restrictive or too broad
    • by examining expansion and contraction, we arrive at better approximations
  • two skills of the mind are required
    • detecting similarities among things that seem different
    • detecting differences among things that seem similar
  • systole: drawing together
    • in book: finding commonality, a general case or principle
  • diastole: separation
    • in book: finding distinction, what separates this from that
  • note: the examples given to these words are at odds with the medical meanings
    • systole is the contraction of the heart (narrowing)
    • diastole is the expansion or relaxation of the heart
    • my opinion: probably best not to get hung up on these Greek labels
      • better to talk about finding commonality or making distinctions

Know It When You See It (KIWYSI)

  • priority of definition: the claim that you can’t know something if you can’t define it precisely
    • known (fairly or not) as the Socratic fallacy
  • KIWYSI is legitimate: we can often identify examples before we have a good definition
    • we should understand our knowledge to be provisional
  • definitions provide clarity, especially useful for hard or edge cases

Collection and Division

  • putting a subject into one of two categories
  • subdividing that category into more categories
  • diairesis: a form of classification used in ancient (especially Platonic) logic that serves to systematize concepts and come to definitions
    • perhaps not the best way to define something, but can still be useful to compare things and learn about them
    • reflection: might also be useful for finding alternative solutions to problems


  • analogies aren’t arguments, but can make reasoning more clear
  • they can be used to compare abstract ideas to more familiar ones
    • used to show how a claim works
  • fill-in-the-blank: start an analogy and let partner finish it
    • can move an conversation forward
  • begin with distinctions and examples that are easy and familiar, then try to map onto harder examples
  • extended analogies compare two things at length to make an idea more vivid
    • established analogies can also be turned to make a very strong point
  • offering choice between analogies can also be powerful
  • analogies look like observations, but actually make claims
    • sometimes the best response is to reject the analogy
  • epagoge: an argument in which specific examples lead to a general conclusion
    • inductive reasoning

Socratic Rules for Dialogue

Seek Truth

  • seek truth rather than merely try to win an argument (dialectic not eristic)
    • dialectic: formal system of reasoning that arrives at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments
    • eristic: given to disputation for its own sake and often employing specious arguments

Examine People As Well As Claims

  • examine people (myself and others) not just claims
    • it isn’t easy (or desirable?) to separate people from ideas
    • care of the psyche, mind, intelligence
    • testing consistency is testing the holder of claims as well as compatibility

Judge Arguments on Their Merits

  • judge arguments on their merits, not by their author
    • primacy of reason
    • “I shall be very grateful if you refute me and deliver me from my foolishness.”
    • claims are judged strictly by the quality of the reasoning and evidence that supports them

Speak Candidly

  • speak candidly: say what you think, not what others may want to hear
  • you can’t seek truth if you’d shy away from speaking it
  • rather than merely agree if you don’t understand, disagree by default unless you’re sure
    • this way the argument can be refined or approached from a different angle until one is satisfied
    • it’s better to seem slow than to persist in confusion
  • also prevents weasly backtracking “well I never really meant that”
    • changing one’s mind in light of persuasion or evidence is fine
  • important difference: sometimes the questioner must play “Devil’s advocate” to examine a claim deeply

One-Witness Principle

  • numbers count for nothing
  • the whole world in favor or against speaks not at all to the veracity of a claim
  • Christopher Hitchens: “One person with a right opinion outweighs a majority.”
  • interlocutor must be the one to assent
  • the crowd is not to be trusted, especially when a horde can be summoned instantly
    • Twitter, anyone?

Principle of Charity

  • principle of charity: assume best intentions of the other
  • construe their meaning in the most reasonable light
    • assume opponent is smart and well-meaning
  • work to represent the position of the partner/opponent in the strongest possible terms
    • steel man vs. straw man
    • improve the other person’s argument if you can
  • come up with the strongest objections to your own views
    • run towards the hardest problems, not away from them


  • strive not to give nor to take offense
    • it’s as bad to take offense as to give it
    • takes courage and commitment to seeking truth
    • in any case, “I’m offended” isn’t an argument
  • people feel strongly about certain issues
    • politics, religion, etc
    • disagreement when feelings are at stake can be perceived as personal attacks
      • avoid lines of argument that tweak personal sensitivities
      • use examples that don’t strike close to home
      • when people are worried the other side will take offense, they don’t say what they mean
      • honest inquiry is difficult (if not impossible) under these conditions
  • be polite
    • choose words carefully and attempt to convey personal respect
    • if the conversation gets heated, nothing wrong with clearing up what you meant
    • A gentleman is someone who gives offense only when he means to.


  • Socratic inquiry begins with an awareness of our own ignorance
    • we begin and end in this state
      • along the way, hopefully, there is some progress
      • the difficulty of ascertaining truth should teach us humility
  • journey is not from question to answer, but from question to question
  • principal project: uproot conceit of certainty in one’s own mind
  • Socrates really does have a low opinion of his wisdom
    • he has a lower opinion of the wisdom of others only because they have such a high opinion of their own
  • knowing one is ignorant is better than being ignorant of one’s ignorance
    • this double ignorance is termed “stupidity” in Sophist 229cd
    • the remedy is education (perhaps especially philosophy)
  • can be used as a tool for exploring ideas that are firmly rooted
    • pretend I know nothing, walk me through this point by point
    • I will ask questions, some may be naive
    • let’s see where the answers go
  • intellectual midwifery: eliciting ideas from others


  • to be at a loss what course to pursue, where to begin to end, what to say
  • an irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction
  • literally “without a way”; a sense of disorientation and perplexity
  • generally arrive here when all prior ideas have been refuted
  • common ending for Socratic dialogues once reason has been exhausted
  • we are not perplexed about things we know:
    • e.g. I have two eyes
  • we are not perplexed by things we know we don’t know
    • e.g. I know nothing of ballet
  • we are only perplexed by things we thought we knew, but didn’t
  • aporia is a sign that we’ve departed the dreaded state of double ignorance
    • we must be purged of our prejudices before learning can begin
    • can also be powerful motivator, spurring us to think more
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