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Created June 24, 2021 03:38
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class DirectedGraph<T> {
readonly edges: Map<T, Set<T>> = new Map();
addAll(from: T, T[]) {
let dependencies = this.edges.get(from);
if (dependencies == null) {
dependencies = new Set();
this.edges.set(from, dependencies);
Sets.addAll(dependencies, to);
isCyclic(): boolean {
const seenOnAllWalks = new Set<T>();
for (const node of this.edges.keys()) {
if (seenOnAllWalks.has(node)) {
const seenOnThisWalk = new Set<T>();
const toVisit = [...this.edges.get(node)!];
while (toVisit.length > 0) {
const nextNode = toVisit.shift()!;
if (seenOnThisWalk.has(nextNode)) {
return true; // cyclic
const nextNodeChildren = this.edges.get(nextNode);
nextNodeChildren && toVisit.push(...nextNodeChildren);
Sets.addAll(seenOnAllWalks, seenOnThisWalk);
return false;
indegrees() {
const inDegrees = new Map<T, number>();
for (const [node, neighbours] of this.edges.entries()) {
if (!inDegrees.has(node)) {
inDegrees.set(node, 0);
for (const neighbour of neighbours) {
const count = inDegrees.get(neighbour) || 0;
inDegrees.set(neighbour, count + 1);
return inDegrees;
topoSort(): readonly T[] {
const inDegrees = this.indegrees();
const sources: T[] = [];
for (const [node, count] of inDegrees.entries()) {
if (count === 0) {
sources.length > 0,
`a DAG must have at least one source (a node with an in-degree of 0)`
const topologicalOrdering = [];
while (sources.length > 0) {
const node = sources.pop()!;
const neighbours = this.edges.get(node) || new Set();
for (const neighbour of neighbours) {
const neighbourIndegree = inDegrees.get(neighbour)! - 1;
inDegrees.set(neighbour, neighbourIndegree);
if (neighbourIndegree === 0) {
topologicalOrdering.length === this.edges.size,
`Graph has a cycle! No topological ordering exists.`
return topologicalOrdering;
invert(): DirectedGraph<T> {
const inverted = new DirectedGraph<T>();
for (const [edge, deps] of this.edges) {
for (const dep of deps) {
inverted.addAll(dep, edge);
return inverted;
walk(start: T): Set<T> {
const toVisit = [start];
const seen = new Set<T>();
while (toVisit.length > 0) {
const next = toVisit.shift()!;
for (const dep of this.edges.get(next)!) {
if (seen.has(dep)) {
return seen;
subgraph(keep: Set<T>): DirectedGraph<T> {
const subgraph = new DirectedGraph<T>();
for (const [node, deps] of this.edges) {
if (!keep.has(node)) {
subgraph.addAll(node, ...deps);
return subgraph;
class Sets {
static addAll<T>(s: Set<T>, xs: Iterable<T>) {
for (const x of xs) {
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