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Last active August 5, 2024 14:36
Show Gist options
  • Save christo8989/b402707a19fce6d283882f784c327254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save christo8989/b402707a19fce6d283882f784c327254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Front End (Angular) developer .bash_profile file.
# load bash_profile from a gist
reload() {
# Windows
# $user_path="$USERPROFILE"
# curl -o "$USERPROFILE/.bashrc_gist" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
# source "$USERPROFILE/.bashrc_gist"
# Mac / Linux?
# user_path="~"
# source /dev/stdin <<<"$( curl -sS -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' )"
# BASH Shortcuts
tohistory() {
history -s $command;
# ng
alias nrs="npm run start"
alias lint="ng lint"
alias nrb="npm run build"
alias nrt="npm run test"
module() { tohistory "ng g m $1 --dry-run"; }
component() { tohistory "ng g c $1 --changeDetection=OnPush --skipTests --entryComponent=false --export=false --flat=false --prefix=app --dry-run"; }
# npm
alias install="npm install --no-save"
alias pinstall="npm i -P"
alias dinstall="npm i -D"
alias uninstall="npm uninstall"
alias audit="npm audit fix"
alias hail-mary="npm cache clear --force"
# git
pull() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && git pull || git pull origin "$1"; }
gpl() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && git pull || git pull origin "$1"; }
alias push="git push"
alias gph="git push"
alias branch="git checkout -b"
alias gbc="get checkout -b"
alias branches="git branch"
alias gb="git branch"
alias checkout="git checkout"
alias gco="git co"
clone() { tohistory "git clone$1.git"; }
# test
alias welcomemessage="echo 'node:' $(node --version) '\ngit:' \"${$(git version):12:-1}\" '\n\nHello Chris! Welcome to the Matrix.\n'"
# godot
alias godot="/Applications/ --path $PWD"
alias gut="godot -s addons/gut/"
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