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Created April 28, 2024 20:35
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Testing the variable-sized archive
package archive
import (
func TestNewArchiveRecordWithData(t *testing.T) {
// Create an archive record with data
record := NewArchiveRecord()
record.SetPassValidation(true, "")
record.Data = []byte("This is a test file.")
f, err := os.Create("test_archive.dat")
if err != nil {
// Convert the record to binary bytes
binaryData, err := record.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
// Write the binary data to the file
_, err = f.Write(binaryData)
if err != nil {
// Write the Data to the file
_, err = f.Write(record.Data)
if err != nil {
// Move the file back to the beginning
_, err = f.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
// Read the first 533 bytes of the file
fileData := make([]byte, 533)
_, err = f.Read(fileData)
if err != nil {
// Convert the binary data to an ArchiveRecord
record = NewArchiveRecord()
err = record.FromBytes(fileData)
if err != nil {
// Read the data from the file of the length of the FileSize
data := make([]byte, record.FileSize)
_, err = f.Read(data)
if err != nil {
record.Data = data
// Check the record
if record.Marker != 0x1C {
t.Errorf("Marker is %v, expected 0x1C", record.Marker)
if record.Fnlf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("Fnlf is %v, expected 0x0A", record.Fnlf)
if record.Fntimelf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("Fntimelf is %v, expected 0x0A", record.Fntimelf)
if record.ReadPassValidation() != true {
t.Errorf("PassValidation is %v, expected 0", record.PassValidation)
if record.Fnvalidationlf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("Fnvalidationlf is %v, expected 0x0A", record.Fnvalidationlf)
if record.TrailingMarker != 0x1F {
t.Errorf("TrailingMarker is %v, expected 0x1F", record.TrailingMarker)
if record.ReadFileName() != "test.txt" {
t.Errorf("FileName is %v, expected test.txt", record.FileName)
if record.ReadFileSize() != 20 {
t.Errorf("FileSize is %v, expected 20", record.FileSize)
if string(record.Data) != "This is a test file." {
t.Errorf("Data is %v, expected This is a test file.", string(record.Data))
// Remove the test file
err = os.Remove("test_archive.dat")
if err != nil {
// TestNewArchiveRecord tests the NewArchiveRecord function and the ToBytes and FromBytes methods
// of the ArchiveRecord struct to make sure they can convert the struct to and from binary data,
// and that when written and read to a file, the data is correct.
func TestNewArchiveRecord(t *testing.T) {
// Create 10 new ArchiveRecords and store them to a file
records := make([]*ArchiveRecord, 10)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
records[i] = NewArchiveRecord()
f, err := os.Create("test_archive.dat")
if err != nil {
// Convert the records to binary bytes
var data []byte
for _, record := range records {
binaryData, err := record.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
data = append(data, binaryData...)
// Write the binary data to the file
_, err = f.Write(data)
if err != nil {
// Close the file
defer f.Close()
// Read the file back in and convert the binary data to ArchiveRecords
f, err = os.Open("test_archive.dat")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
// Read the file data as one big block of bytes
fileInfo, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
fileSize := fileInfo.Size()
fileData := make([]byte, fileSize)
_, err = f.Read(fileData)
if err != nil {
// Convert the binary data to ArchiveRecords by splitting the
// file data into 533 byte chunks and converting each chunk to an ArchiveRecord
records = make([]*ArchiveRecord, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(fileData); i += 533 {
record := NewArchiveRecord()
err = record.FromBytes(fileData[i : i+533])
if err != nil {
records = append(records, record)
// Check the records
for i, record := range records {
if record.Marker != 0x1C {
t.Errorf("record %d: Marker is %v, expected 0x1C", i, record.Marker)
if record.Fnlf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("record %d: Fnlf is %v, expected 0x0A", i, record.Fnlf)
if record.Fntimelf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("record %d: Fntimelf is %v, expected 0x0A", i, record.Fntimelf)
if record.PassValidation != 0 {
t.Errorf("record %d: PassValidation is %v, expected 0", i, record.PassValidation)
if record.Fnvalidationlf != 0x0A {
t.Errorf("record %d: Fnvalidationlf is %v, expected 0x0A", i, record.Fnvalidationlf)
// The last byte of the record header should be 0x1F. If it is not at this position then we have corrupted data
if record.TrailingMarker != 0x1F {
t.Errorf("record %d: TrailingMarker is %v, expected 0x1F", i, record.TrailingMarker)
// Check the FileName and ValidationFailReason to make sure the spaces are correct
for j := 0; j < 256; j++ {
if record.FileName[j] != 0x20 {
t.Errorf("record %d: FileName[%d] is %v, expected 0x20", i, j, record.FileName[j])
if record.ValidationFailReason[j] != 0x20 {
t.Errorf("record %d: ValidationFailReason[%d] is %v, expected 0x20", i, j, record.ValidationFailReason[j])
// Remove the test file
err = os.Remove("test_archive.dat")
if err != nil {
func TestArchive(t *testing.T) {
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