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Example for rx.Observable chaining
@Grab(group='io.reactivex', module='rxjava-reactive-streams', version='0.5.0')
import rx.Observable
def in1 = Observable.from([1, 3, 5]).map { a -> a - 1 }
def in2 = Observable.from([2, 4, 6]).map { a -> a - 1 }
def in3 = Observable.error(new Exception("BAM!"))
def sumTimes2 =, in2) { a, b ->
a + b
}.map { a ->
2 * a
def multTimes2 =, in2, in3) { a, b, c ->
a * b * c
}.map { a ->
2 * a
def emptyZip =[]) { -> println("this is never executed") }
{ result -> println("sum: " + result) },
{ t -> println("sumE: " + t) }
{ result -> println("mult: " + result) },
{ t -> println("multE: " + t) }
* output
* sum: 2
* sum: 10
* sum: 18
* multE: java.lang.Exception: BAM!
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