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Created October 18, 2014 16:42
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Save christoph-frick/f00eb0c7f18d27006bd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fluent groovy API to run and check several steps (code that usually is found in controllers with logs of errors checking) as seen in
/* fluent run and test caller to get rid of if-else-cascades */
class RunAndCheck {
final Optional input
Optional output
RunAndCheck(Optional input=null) { this.input = input }
static RunAndCheck start(Closure action) { new RunAndCheck().run(action) }
boolean isFailed() { input && !input.present }
def getValue() { input?.present ? input.get() : null }
RunAndCheck run(Closure action) {
if (failed) {
return this
output = Optional.ofNullable(action(value))
return new RunAndCheck(output)
RunAndCheck check(Closure test, Closure fail) {
if (failed) {
return this
if (!test(value)) {
return new RunAndCheck(Optional.empty())
return this
/* some code to test */
class Test {
def success
def content
class TestService {
def load(String id) { return new Test(success:id=='test') }
def loadContent(test) { test.content = 'Content' }
def testService = new TestService()
def send500 = { println "ERROR 500: internal server error" }
def send404 = { println "ERROR 404: not found" }
def sendSuccess = { test -> println "Success: $test.content" }
/* run and check */
.check({it.success}, send500)
.check({!it.content}, send500)
.run({testService.loadContent(it); it}) // must return
.check({it.content}, send404)
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