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Last active June 26, 2021 19:42
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Event loop with ncurse
(ql:quickload '(:iolib :cl-charms))
(defpackage :tui (:use :cl :cl-charms :iomux))
(in-package :tui)
;;; From
(defun start-color ()
(when (eql (charms/ll:has-colors) charms/ll:FALSE)
(error "Your terminal does not support color."))
(let ((ret-code (charms/ll:start-color)))
(if (= ret-code 0)
(error "start-color error ~s." ret-code))))
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(defconstant +black+ charms/ll:COLOR_BLACK)
(defconstant +red+ charms/ll:COLOR_RED)
(defconstant +green+ charms/ll:COLOR_GREEN)
(defconstant +yellow+ charms/ll:COLOR_YELLOW)
(defconstant +blue+ charms/ll:COLOR_BLUE)
(defconstant +magenta+ charms/ll:COLOR_MAGENTA)
(defconstant +cyan+ charms/ll:COLOR_CYAN)
(defconstant +white+ charms/ll:COLOR_WHITE))
(defmacro define-color-pair ((name pair) foreground background)
`(with-curses ()
(defparameter ,name (progn (charms/ll:init-pair ,pair ,foreground ,background)
(charms/ll:color-pair ,pair)))))
(define-color-pair (+white/blue+ 1) +white+ +blue+)
(define-color-pair (+black/red+ 2) +black+ +red+)
(defun draw-window-background (window color-pair)
(charms/ll:wbkgd (charms::window-pointer window) color-pair))
(defun call-with-colors (window color-pair function)
(let ((ptr (charms::window-pointer window)))
(charms/ll:wattron ptr color-pair)
(unwind-protect (funcall function)
(charms/ll:wattroff ptr color-pair))))
(defmacro with-colors ((window color-pair) &body body)
`(call-with-colors ,window ,color-pair (lambda () ,@body)))
(defun newline (&optional (count 1))
(loop repeat count do
(write-char-at-cursor *standard-window* #\Newline)))
(defun print-text-char-by-char (text delay-seconds &aux interrupted)
(enable-raw-input :interpret-control-characters t)
(enable-non-blocking-mode *standard-window*)
(let ((fd
;; on sbcl, try to get the FD of the TTY to attach an event
;; handler on it (so that the event loop can be interrupted
;; even when the animation is otherwise waiting for the
;; timer)
(ignore-errors (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd sb-sys:*tty*))
(with-event-base (event-base)
(let ((timer nil) (index 0))
(labels ((on-key (fd event error)
(declare (ignore fd event error))
(get-char *standard-window*)
(complete ()
(setf interrupted t)
(write-string-at-cursor *standard-window*
(subseq text index))
(refresh-window *standard-window*)
(end-printing ()
(when timer
(remove-timer event-base timer)
(exit-event-loop event-base)
(setf timer nil)))
(on-tick ()
((>= index (length text))
((and (not fd)
(get-char *standard-input* :ignore-error t))
(write-char-at-cursor *standard-window*
(char text index))
(incf index)
(refresh-window *standard-window*)))))
(setf timer (add-timer event-base
(when fd
(set-io-handler event-base fd :read #'on-key))
(event-dispatch event-base))))
(disable-non-blocking-mode *standard-window*)
(defparameter *default-cps* 15)
(defun print-text (text &optional (characters-per-seconds *default-cps*))
(check-type characters-per-seconds (or null real))
(assert (not (eql 0 characters-per-seconds)))
(if characters-per-seconds
(print-text-char-by-char text (/ 1 characters-per-seconds))
(write-string-at-cursor *standard-window* text)))
(defun %input-into (buffer)
for c = (get-char *standard-window* :ignore-error t)
while c until (member c '(#\newline #\etx))
do (case c
((#\backspace #\rubout)
((plusp (fill-pointer buffer))
(vector-pop buffer)
(move-cursor-left *standard-window*)
(clear-line-after-cursor *standard-window*))
(t (charms/ll:flash))))
((graphic-char-p c)
(write-char-at-cursor *standard-window* c)
(vector-push c buffer))
(t (warn "ignored char ~a" c)))))
finally (newline)))
(defun make-buffer ()
(make-array 64 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))
(defun input ()
(let ((result (make-buffer)))
(prog1 result
(unwind-protect (%input-into result)
(defparameter *banner*
"Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers")
(defun prompt (prompt)
(print-text prompt)
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (cursor-position *standard-window*)
(let ((value (with-colors (*standard-window* +white/blue+) (input))))
(prog1 value
(multiple-value-bind (nx ny) (cursor-position *standard-window*)
(move-cursor *standard-window* x y)
(print-text value nil)
(move-cursor *standard-window* nx ny)
(refresh-window *standard-window*))))))
(defun clear ()
(clear-window *standard-window* :force-repaint t)
(refresh-window *standard-window*))
(defun fmt (control &rest args)
(print-text (apply #'format nil control args)))
(defun test (&optional (banner *banner*))
(prog (name value)
(with-curses ()
(let ((interrupted (print-text banner)))
(newline 2)
;; if the previous text was interrupted, write the prompt quickly too
(setf name (let ((*default-cps* (unless interrupted *default-cps*)))
(prompt "Enter your name: ")))
(when (alexandria:emptyp name)
(setf name 'anonymous))
(move-cursor-down *standard-window* :amount 1)
(fmt "Hello, ~a~%~%" name)
(setf value (prompt "Enter something else: "))
(values name value))))))
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