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Last active August 29, 2022 22:18
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display graphs
(defun decorate-for-error (fn on-error signalp)
(signalp fn)
(t (lambda (&rest args)
(handler-case (apply fn args)
(error () on-error))))))
(defun domain-union (t1 t2)
(let ((union (list 'or t1 t2)))
(dolist (type '(integer real complex number) t)
(when (subtypep union `(or null ,type))
(return type)))))
(defstruct domain-guesser type)
(defun update-domain-guesser (guesser value)
(setf (domain-guesser-type guesser)
(domain-union (domain-guesser-type guesser)
(type-of value))))
(defun compute-fn (f &key from upto by (on-error nil oep))
:with g := (make-domain-guesser)
:with f := (decorate-for-error f on-error (not oep))
:for x :from from :upto upto :by by
:for y := (funcall f x)
:do (update-domain-guesser g y)
:collect (cons x y) into image
:finally (return (values (domain-guesser-type g)
(coerce image 'simple-vector)))))
(defgeneric graph-fn (type points &key &allow-other-keys))
(defmethod graph-fn ((type (eql 'real)) points
&key (width 40) (char #\#) (space #\space) (prefix ";; ")
(let ((non-null (remove nil points :key #'cdr)))
(flet ((colsize (key)
(let ((to-string (map 'list (compose #'princ-to-string key) points)))
(reduce #'max to-string :key #'length))))
(let ((min-y (reduce #'min non-null :key #'cdr))
(max-y (reduce #'max non-null :key #'cdr))
(col-x (colsize #'car))
(col-y (colsize #'cdr)))
((eql min-y max-y)
(format t "Constantly ~a~%" min-y))
(t (let ((ratio (/ width (- max-y min-y))))
(flet ((project (y) (round (* ratio (- y min-y)))))
(loop for (x . y) across points
(format t "~a~v@a : ~va ~:[X~;|~] " prefix col-x x col-y y y)
(when y
(dotimes (i (1- (project y)))
(princ space))
(princ char))
(defun sigmoid (m)
(check-type m real)
(let* ((+m (float m))
(-m (float (- m)))
(one (float 1 (float m))))
(lambda (x)
(/ one (+ one (exp (* -m (float x +m))))))))
(multiple-value-call #'graph-fn
(compute-fn #'/ :from -1 :upto 1 :by 1/10 :on-error nil)
:space #\MIDDLE_DOT
:char #\●
:width 60)
;; -1 : -1 | ··························●
;; -9/10 : -10/9 | ··························●
;; -4/5 : -5/4 | ·························●
;; -7/10 : -10/7 | ·························●
;; -3/5 : -5/3 | ························●
;; -1/2 : -2 | ·······················●
;; -2/5 : -5/2 | ·····················●
;; -3/10 : -10/3 | ···················●
;; -1/5 : -5 | ··············●
;; -1/10 : -10 | ●
;; 0 : NIL X
;; 1/10 : 10 | ···························································●
;; 1/5 : 5 | ············································●
;; 3/10 : 10/3 | ·······································●
;; 2/5 : 5/2 | ·····································●
;; 1/2 : 2 | ···································●
;; 3/5 : 5/3 | ··································●
;; 7/10 : 10/7 | ·································●
;; 4/5 : 5/4 | ·································●
;; 9/10 : 10/9 | ································●
;; 1 : 1 | ································●
(multiple-value-call #'graph-fn
(compute-fn (sigmoid 0.8) :from -6 :upto 6 :by 1/2 :on-error nil)
:space #\-
:char #\●
:width 60)
;; -6 : 0.00816257 | ●
;; -11/2 : 0.012128434 | ●
;; -5 : 0.01798621 | ●
;; -9/2 : 0.02659699 | ●
;; -4 : 0.03916572 | -●
;; -7/2 : 0.057324175 | --●
;; -3 : 0.083172694 | ----●
;; -5/2 : 0.11920292 | ------●
;; -2 : 0.16798161 | ---------●
;; -3/2 : 0.23147522 | -------------●
;; -1 : 0.3100255 | -----------------●
;; -1/2 : 0.40131235 | -----------------------●
;; 0 : 0.5 | -----------------------------●
;; 1/2 : 0.59868765 | -----------------------------------●
;; 1 : 0.6899745 | -----------------------------------------●
;; 3/2 : 0.7685248 | ---------------------------------------------●
;; 2 : 0.8320184 | -------------------------------------------------●
;; 5/2 : 0.880797 | ----------------------------------------------------●
;; 3 : 0.9168273 | ------------------------------------------------------●
;; 7/2 : 0.9426758 | --------------------------------------------------------●
;; 4 : 0.96083426 | ---------------------------------------------------------●
;; 9/2 : 0.973403 | ----------------------------------------------------------●
;; 5 : 0.98201376 | ----------------------------------------------------------●
;; 11/2 : 0.9878715 | -----------------------------------------------------------●
;; 6 : 0.99183744 | -----------------------------------------------------------●
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