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Created December 22, 2011 08:47
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Partisan Inflation Forecast Error Graph
# Partisan Inflation Forecast Error Graph
# Christopher Gandrud
# Updated 22 December 2011
## Load data
### Fed inflation forecast error data is from:
### Actual inflation data is from the FRED database:
### For a further description of how the data was compiled in order to be comparable see: <- read.dta("~/GB_FRED_cpi.dta")
## Clean up data and create forecast error variable$pres_party <- factor($pres_party, label = c("Dem", "Rep"))$error.prop.deflator.q2 <- ($GB_CPI_QTR2 -$deflator)/$deflator
## Create graph using ggplot2
preElection <- ggplot(, aes(x = time_to_election, y = error.prop.deflator.q2))
preElection <- preElection + geom_point(aes(color = pres_party))
preElection <- preElection + stat_smooth(method = "loess", aes(group = pres_party, color = pres_party, fill = pres_party))
preElection <- preElection + scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "red"), name = "")
preElection <- preElection + scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "red"), name = "")
preElection <- preElection + coord_trans(x = "reverse")
preElection <- preElection + xlab("Quarters to Election") + ylab("Error/Actual") + opts(title = "Green Book Infl. Forecast Error\nMade 2 Qts Earlier as a Prop. of Actual Inflation\nby Pres. Party (1964 - 2005)")
preElection <- preElection + theme_bw() + opts(panel.grid.minor = theme_blank()) + opts(axis.line = theme_segment()) + opts(axis.title.y = theme_text(angle = 90, size = 12, vjust = 0))
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