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Last active August 9, 2018 04:30
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Replication material for
p_load(MASS, tidyverse)
# set seed
# set simulation paramters
n <- 100 # sample size
x <- rnorm(n) # single explanatory variable
n_qi <- 100 # number of points at which to calculate the marginal effect
x0 <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = n_qi) # points at which to calculate the marginal effect
beta <- c(-2, 1) # true coefficients
lambda <- exp(beta[1] + beta[2]*x) # implied mean
n_sims <- 10000 # number of mc simulations
tau_hat_mean_pre <- tau_hat_median_pre <- tau_hat_median <- tau_hat_mle <- tau_hat_avg <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_sims, ncol = n_qi)
for (i in 1:n_sims) {
y <- rpois(n, lambda = lambda)
fit <- glm(y ~ x, family = poisson)
beta_hat <- coef(fit)
Sigma_hat <- vcov(fit)
beta_tilde <- MASS::mvrnorm(1000, mu = beta_hat, Sigma = Sigma_hat)
tau_tilde <- t(exp(cbind(1, x0)%*%t(beta_tilde)))*beta_tilde[, 2]
tau_hat_avg[i, ] <- apply(tau_tilde, 2, mean)
tau_hat_mle[i, ] <- exp(beta_hat[1] + beta_hat[2]*x0)*beta_hat[2]
tau_hat_median[i, ] <- apply(tau_tilde, 2, median)
tau_hat_median_pre[i, ] <- exp(median(beta_tilde[, 1]) + median(beta_tilde[, 2])*x0)*median(beta_tilde[, 2])
tau_hat_mean_pre[i, ] <- exp(mean(beta_tilde[, 1]) + mean(beta_tilde[, 2])*x0)*mean(beta_tilde[, 2])
sims_df_sep <- data.frame(true_qi = exp(beta[1] + beta[2]*x0)*beta[2],
mle = apply(tau_hat_mle, 2, mean),
avg = apply(tau_hat_avg, 2, mean),
med = apply(tau_hat_median, 2, mean),
med_pre = apply(tau_hat_median_pre, 2, mean),
mean_pre = apply(tau_hat_mean_pre, 2, mean))
sims_df <- sims_df_sep %>%
gather(method, ev, mle, avg, med, med_pre, mean_pre)
hist(with(sims_df_sep, (mle - true_qi) - (med - true_qi)))
hist(with(sims_df_sep, (mle - true_qi) - (med_pre - true_qi)))
hist(with(sims_df_sep, (mle - true_qi) - (mean_pre - true_qi)))
ggplot(sims_df, aes(x = true_qi, y = ev - true_qi,
linetype = method, color = method)) +
geom_line() +
theme_bw() +
labs(title = "Bias in Estimates of Poisson Marginal Effects",
x = "True Marginal Effect",
y = "Bias in Estimates of Marginal Effect",
linetype = "Method", colour = "Method")
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