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Last active July 20, 2023 23:46
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Bash script to create an empty Streamlit app

Bash script to create a skeleton Streamlit app

To run the script from the command line use:

curl -s -o && chmod +x && ./ && rm
# Prompt the user for the app name
read -p "Enter the name of your Streamlit app: " app_name
# Create the directory
mkdir $app_name
# Navigate to the new directory
cd $app_name
# Create the source directory
mkdir src
# Create the main app file
# Output a sample message to the main app file
echo "import streamlit as st
def main():
st.title('Welcome to $app_name')
if __name__ == '__main__':
main()" >
# Provide execution permissions to the main app file
chmod +x
# Create the README file
# Output instructions to the README file
echo "# $app_name
## Instructions for Building the Streamlit App
1. Make sure you have Python installed on your system.
2. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
pip install streamlit
3. Navigate to the project directory:
cd $app_name
4. Run the following command to build the app:
streamlit run
5. Open your web browser and visit <http://localhost:8501> to see the app in action.
Feel free to modify the \`\` file and add your own functionality to the Streamlit app.
Enjoy building your Streamlit app!" >
# Display a success message
echo "Streamlit app structure created successfully in the directory: $app_name"
echo "Please us a virtual environment for your Streamlit app."
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