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Last active March 4, 2021 21:40
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Functions for recursively calculating mean and variance and comparing
comparing to full sample calculated mean and variance.
Functions based on:
- Chou (2021, 5) <>
- Chan et al (1983) <>
using Distributions, Random, StatsPlots
# Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------
Find sum of squared deviations from a vector `x`.
function sum_of_squares(x)::Float64
length_x = length(x)
x̄ = mean(x)
squared_deviations = [(x[i] - x̄)^2 for i in 1:length_x]
batcher(N, k)
Create `K` batches for a vector of length `N`
Function modified from <>
function batcher(N::Int64, K::Int64)
n, r = divrem(N, K)
b = collect(1:n:N + 1)
for i in 1:length(b)
b[i] += i > r ? r : i-1
p = collect(1:N) # Keep original order rather than randperm
return [p[r] for r in [b[i]:b[i+1]-1 for i=1:K]]
batch_mean_variance(batchₖ::Vector{Real}, t::Int64, x̄ₜ::Real, sₜ::Real)
Update estimate of mean, variance, and sum of squared deviations from a new
batch of observations
function batch_mean_variance(batchₖ, t::Int64, x̄ₜ::Real, sₜ::Real)
# mean ----------
Δₖ = sum(batchₖ)
t′ = t + length(batchₖ)
x̄ₜ′ = x̄ₜ + (1/t′) * (Δₖ - ((t′ - t) * x̄ₜ))
# variance ------
Δ̄ₖ = mean(batchₖ)
sₖ = sum_of_squares(batchₖ)
sₜ′ = (sₜ + sₖ) + (t / t′) * (t′ - t) * (Δ̄ₖ - x̄ₜ)^2
varianceₜ′ = sₜ′ / (t′ - 1)
(mean_updated = x̄ₜ′, variance_updated = varianceₜ′,
sum_squares_updated = sₜ′, observations = t′)
# Simulation -------------------------------------------------------------------
sim_batch(x, K::Int64 = 84)
Given a vector of values `X`, break it into `K` batches and recursively find
the mean, and variance. Used to test recursive mean and variance algorithms.
function sim_batch(X, K::Int64)
Nₓ = length(X)
batches = batcher(Nₓ, K)
means, variances, sums_of_squares = zeros(K), zeros(K), zeros(K)
mean_classic, var_classic = zeros(K), zeros(K)
for i in eachindex(batches)
tₜ₊₁, t′ = first(batches[i]), last(batches[i])
Xₖ = X[tₜ₊₁:t′]
if i == 1
means[i], variances[i], sums_of_squares[i] = mean(Xₖ), var(Xₖ), sum_of_squares(Xₖ)
means[i], variances[i], sums_of_squares[i] = batch_mean_variance(Xₖ,
last(batches[i-1]), means[i-1], sums_of_squares[i-1])
# For comparision, using classic methods on full sample up to and including batch
X₁ₜ′ = X[1:t′]
mean_classic[i], var_classic[i] = mean(X₁ₜ′), var(X₁ₜ′)
return (means = means, vars = variances,
means_classic = mean_classic, vars_classic = var_classic)
# Run simulation and plot differences between error
N = 100_000 # observations
K = 168 # number of batches
p_var, p_mean = plot(1:K, zeros(K), legend = false,
yticks = ([-1.5e-16, 0, 1.5e-16]),
xlab = "Batches",
title = "Variance"),
plot(1:K, zeros(K), legend = false,
yticks = ([-1e-16, 0, 1e-16]),
xlab = "Batches", ylab = "Absolute Error",
title = "Mean")
for _ in 1:100
γ = Normal()
x = rand(γ, N)
e = sim_batch(x, K)
mean_error, var_error = e.means - e.means_classic, e.vars - e.vars_classic
plot!(p_mean, mean_error, linecolor = :grey, linealpha = 0.3)
plot!(p_var, var_error, linecolor = :grey, linealpha = 0.3)
png(plot(p_mean, p_var, layout = 2), "sims-error")
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The above script creates the following plot:


Two observations:

  • The absolute errors are very small.

  • While error in the mean decreases and then converges with the number of batches, the variance error increases.

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