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Created May 15, 2011 18:55
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Gemfile, personal like-ings
source ""
# Rails
gem "rails", "3.1.0.beta1"
# Database
gem "mysql2"
gem "memcache-client"
# Front End
gem "haml"
gem "sass"
gem "haml-rails"
gem "compass"
gem "html5-boilerplate"
gem "lemonade"
gem "jammit-s3", :git => "git://"
# Facebook
gem "koala"
# Image Processing
gem "mini_magick"
# File Storage
gem "carrierwave"
gem "fog"
# Unique Ids
gem "uuidtools"
# Pagination
gem "will_paginate", "3.0.pre2"
# Authentication
gem "devise"
gem "newrelic_rpm"
gem "hoptoad_notifier"
# Development
group :development, :test do
# Deploy
gem "capistrano"
# Creating VHosts
gem "ghost"
# Debuggin
gem "ruby-debug19"
gem "ruby-prof"
# Autotes
gem "autotest-rails"
gem "autotest-growl"
gem "autotest-fsevent"
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