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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save christopherhesse/3988d699788478b95502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save christopherhesse/3988d699788478b95502 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* went to
* went to
* downloaded mac os x version
* unzipped and put into /usr/local/bin
* ran `src toolchain install-std` (I didn't notice this was necessary the last time I installed srclib, seems like maybe the standard toolchain should come pre-built and installed?)
Installing/upgrading standard toolchains...
Go ( ====================================
skipped no GOPATH set (assuming Go is not installed and you don't want the Go toolchain)
Python ( ============================
Downloading or updating Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
Cloning into '/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/'...
remote: Counting objects: 1227, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 1227 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1218
Receiving objects: 100% (1227/1227), 216.30 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (709/709), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
failed to install/upgrade Python ( toolchain: skipped :
Ruby ( ================================
failed to install/upgrade Ruby ( toolchain: skipped :
JavaScript ( ====================
skipped no `node` in PATH (assuming you don't have Node.js installed and you don't want the JavaScript toolchain)
The following toolchains were not installed:
Go (
Python (
Ruby (
JavaScript (
* `mkdir srclibtest`
* `cd srclibtest`
* `export GOPATH=$PWD`
* `src toolchain install-std`
2015/04/15 15:07:23 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Installing/upgrading standard toolchains...
Go ( ====================================
mkdir -p /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
ln -s /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Downloading or updating Go toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:07:23 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Cloning into '/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/'...
remote: Counting objects: 3918, done.
remote: Total 3918 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 3918
Receiving objects: 100% (3918/3918), 2.10 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1526/1526), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Building Go toolchain program
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/]
go get
godep go build -o .bin/srclib-go
make: godep: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
failed to install/upgrade Go ( toolchain: skipped :
Python ( ============================
Downloading or updating Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:07:30 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
mkdir -p /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
ln -s /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Installing deps for Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ install]
# Setup virtual env.
curl -O
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1786k 100 1786k 0 0 2424k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2427k
tar xzf virtualenv-12.0.7.tar.gz
python2 virtualenv-12.0.7/ .env
New python executable in .env/bin/python2.7
Also creating executable in .env/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
rm virtualenv-12.0.7.tar.gz
rm -r virtualenv-12.0.7
go get -d ./...
go build -o .bin/srclib-python
.env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
You are using pip version 6.0.8, however version 6.1.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Collecting git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Cloning (to c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-EjU2E1-build
Could not find a tag or branch 'c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238', assuming commit.
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
Collecting git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
Cloning (to 96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-hjxjU8-build
Could not find a tag or branch '96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b', assuming commit.
Collecting pip<6.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 5))
Downloading pip-1.5.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.0MB)
100% |################################| 1.0MB 466kB/s
Collecting virtualenv==12.0.7 (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
Downloading virtualenv-12.0.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.8MB)
100% |################################| 1.8MB 282kB/s
Installing collected packages: pydep, jedi, virtualenv, pip
Running install for pydep
changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
changing mode of /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ to 755
Running install for jedi
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ PEP440Warning: 'jedi (0.8.1-final0)' is being parsed as a legacy, non PEP 440, version. You may find odd behavior and sort order. In particular it will be sorted as less than 0.0. It is recommend to migrate to PEP 440 compatible versions.
Found existing installation: pip 6.0.8
Uninstalling pip-6.0.8:
Successfully uninstalled pip-6.0.8
Successfully installed jedi-0.8.1-final0 pip-1.5.6 pydep-0.0 virtualenv-12.0.7
.env/bin/pip install . --upgrade
Unpacking /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-KQg7At-build/ egg_info for package from file:///Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Installing collected packages: grapher
Running install for grapher
Successfully installed grapher
Cleaning up...
OK! Installed/upgraded Python ( toolchain
Ruby ( ================================
failed to install/upgrade Ruby ( toolchain: skipped :
JavaScript ( ====================
skipped no `node` in PATH (assuming you don't have Node.js installed and you don't want the JavaScript toolchain)
The following toolchains were not installed:
Go (
Ruby (
JavaScript (
* `go get`
* `src toolchain install-std`
2015/04/15 15:10:07 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Installing/upgrading standard toolchains...
Go ( ====================================
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Downloading or updating Go toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:10:07 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Building Go toolchain program
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/]
go get
godep go build -o .bin/srclib-go
make: godep: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1
failed to install/upgrade Go ( toolchain: skipped :
Python ( ============================
Downloading or updating Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:10:07 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Installing deps for Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ install]
go get -d ./...
go build -o .bin/srclib-python
.env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Downloading/unpacking git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Cloning (to c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-vrMFAV-build
Could not find a tag or branch 'c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238', assuming commit.
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-vrMFAV-build/ egg_info for package from git+
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory '*'
Downloading/unpacking git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
Cloning (to 96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-dAvo7P-build
Could not find a tag or branch '96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b', assuming commit.
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-dAvo7P-build/ egg_info for package from git+
Requirement already up-to-date: pip<6.0 in ./.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 5))
Requirement already up-to-date: virtualenv==12.0.7 in ./.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
Installing collected packages: jedi, pydep
Found existing installation: jedi 0.8.1-final0
Uninstalling jedi:
Successfully uninstalled jedi
Running install for jedi
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory '*'
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ PEP440Warning: 'jedi (0.8.1-final0)' is being parsed as a legacy, non PEP 440, version. You may find odd behavior and sort order. In particular it will be sorted as less than 0.0. It is recommend to migrate to PEP 440 compatible versions.
Found existing installation: pydep 0.0
Uninstalling pydep:
Successfully uninstalled pydep
Running install for pydep
changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
changing mode of /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ to 755
Successfully installed jedi pydep
Cleaning up...
.env/bin/pip install . --upgrade
Unpacking /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-6qt2QZ-build/ egg_info for package from file:///Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Installing collected packages: grapher
Found existing installation: grapher 0.0
Uninstalling grapher:
Successfully uninstalled grapher
Running install for grapher
Successfully installed grapher
Cleaning up...
OK! Installed/upgraded Python ( toolchain
Ruby ( ================================
failed to install/upgrade Ruby ( toolchain: skipped :
JavaScript ( ====================
skipped no `node` in PATH (assuming you don't have Node.js installed and you don't want the JavaScript toolchain)
The following toolchains were not installed:
Go (
Ruby (
JavaScript (
* `export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH`
* `src toolchain install-std`
2015/04/15 15:11:07 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Installing/upgrading standard toolchains...
JavaScript ( ====================
skipped no `node` in PATH (assuming you don't have Node.js installed and you don't want the JavaScript toolchain)
Go ( ====================================
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Downloading or updating Go toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:11:07 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Building Go toolchain program
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/]
go get
godep go build -o .bin/srclib-go
OK! Installed/upgraded Go ( toolchain
Python ( ============================
Downloading or updating Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [src toolchain get -u]
2015/04/15 15:11:09 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing.
Symlinked toolchain into your GOPATH at /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/
Installing deps for Python toolchain in /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running [make -C /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ install]
go get -d ./...
go build -o .bin/srclib-python
.env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
Downloading/unpacking git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Cloning (to c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-Y9YN9p-build
Could not find a tag or branch 'c4a51cba12bc4849e19c4aa25aeb30d66e5fd238', assuming commit.
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-Y9YN9p-build/ egg_info for package from git+
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory '*'
Downloading/unpacking git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
Cloning (to 96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b) to /var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-wdlTSS-build
Could not find a tag or branch '96fdf7afd479e219acf7af865f21fa1f1fe2bf5b', assuming commit.
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-wdlTSS-build/ egg_info for package from git+
Requirement already up-to-date: pip<6.0 in ./.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 5))
Requirement already up-to-date: virtualenv==12.0.7 in ./.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
Installing collected packages: jedi, pydep
Found existing installation: jedi 0.8.1-final0
Uninstalling jedi:
Successfully uninstalled jedi
Running install for jedi
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ UserWarning: The version specified ('0.8.1-final0') is an invalid version, this may not work as expected with newer versions of setuptools, pip, and PyPI. Please see PEP 440 for more details.
"details." % self.metadata.version
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory '*'
/Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ PEP440Warning: 'jedi (0.8.1-final0)' is being parsed as a legacy, non PEP 440, version. You may find odd behavior and sort order. In particular it will be sorted as less than 0.0. It is recommend to migrate to PEP 440 compatible versions.
Found existing installation: pydep 0.0
Uninstalling pydep:
Successfully uninstalled pydep
Running install for pydep
changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/ from 644 to 755
changing mode of /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/ to 755
Successfully installed jedi pydep
Cleaning up...
.env/bin/pip install . --upgrade
Unpacking /Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Running (path:/var/folders/t8/30cztwm51_gb06_dqxb87xrm0000gn/T/pip-2jbEJw-build/ egg_info for package from file:///Users/christopherhesse/.srclib/
Installing collected packages: grapher
Found existing installation: grapher 0.0
Uninstalling grapher:
Successfully uninstalled grapher
Running install for grapher
Successfully installed grapher
Cleaning up...
OK! Installed/upgraded Python ( toolchain
Ruby ( ================================
failed to install/upgrade Ruby ( toolchain: skipped :
The following toolchains were not installed:
JavaScript (
Ruby (
* relaunched atom with this GOPATH in case that matters
* went to Preferences > Packages as per the instructions, searched for "sourcegraph-atom" no results, turns out that's installed packages only
* went to Preferences > Install, searched for "sourcegraph-atom" and installed it
* srclib was enabled, but I remember that the last time I installed this, I couldn't tell if it was because the "* srclib" icon in the status bar is practically invisible with the "Atom Dark" UI theme so that should probably be fixed
* created srclibtest/testpackage/test1.go and srclibtest/testpackage/test2.go
* right click in test1.go on a function name and select Jump To Definition, here is the srclib status output:
Jump to Definition: src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=52 --no-examples
src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=52 --no-examples: 2015/04/15 15:18:54 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing. Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage"; continuing. mkdir /.srclib-cache: permission denied
* `git init .`
* right click in test1.go on a function name and select Jump To Definition, here is the srclib status output:
Jump to Definition: src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=53 --no-examples
src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=53 --no-examples: 2015/04/15 15:20:05 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing. exec [git rev-parse HEAD] failed: exit status 128. Output was: fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]' HEAD
* `git add .`
* `git commit -a -m "."`
* right click in test1.go on a function name and select Jump To Definition, here is the srclib status output:
Jump to Definition: src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=57 --no-examples
* srclib logo turns green and starts spinning
* srclib-go is using 99% CPU
* srclib-go is using ~0% CPU, logo is still spinning
* I think maybe I just need to try Jump To Definition again, so I try it again:
Jump to Definition: src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=58 --no-examples
* ~/srclibtest/.srclib-cache is at 100MB and still going up
* after ~10 minutes my computer is really hot and ~/srclibtest/.srclib-cache is at 250MB
* .srclib-cache is now 0 bytes, looks like it gave up, here is the srclib status output:
src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=57 --no-examples: 2015/04/15 15:21:23 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing. failed due to error: could not get requirements due to error does not exist multiple errors (2): command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1) command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1)
src api describe --file="/Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/src/testpackage/test1.go" --start-byte=58 --no-examples: 2015/04/15 15:24:31 Failed to detect git/hg repository root dir for "."; continuing. lstat /Users/christopherhesse/srclibtest/.srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495: no such file or directory multiple errors (5): command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1) command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1) command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1) command failed: src tool --methods program "" "graph" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ | src internal normalize-graph-data --unit-type "GoPackage" --dir . 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1) command failed: src tool --methods program "" "depresolve" < .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ 1> .srclib-cache/08dbd52090cc942aa5ae3671b700e2aa9b12e495/ (exit status 1)
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