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Last active August 9, 2017 03:11
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  • Save christophernhill/afed38c09db28e33400e80ad6aca07ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save christophernhill/afed38c09db28e33400e80ad6aca07ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bits and pieces to do with setting up a container for testing NF90io
# Make sure system drive has some free space
# Setup docker
curl -fsSL | sh
systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker
# Fetch an image from Docker hub
docker pull centos:7.3.1611
# Start a container based on an image
docker run --name centos_base -d -t centos:7.3.1611 /bin/bash
# For MPI start several containers (e.g. docker run -h c7-n001 --name c7-n001 -d -t mitgcm/testreport-images:centos-7.3.1611-20170809-v4 /bin/bash)
# use ./ NAME1 NAME2 ... to configure /etc/hosts
# start /usr/sbin/sshd (e.g. docker exec -t -i c7-n002 /usr/sbin/sshd)
# Shell into the container
docker exec -t -i centos_base /bin/bash
# ====== Run commands in container
# Get packages that are needed
mkdir /home/software
cd /home/software
yum -y install epel-release
yum list all > yall.txt
yum -y install environment-modules
yum -y install which make m4 bc
yum -y install gcc gcc-gfortran
yum -y install mvapich2-2.2 mvapich2-2.2-devel
yum -y install mpich-3.2 mpich-3.2-devel
yum -y install mpich mpich-devel
yum -y install openmpi openmpi-devel
yum -y install netcdf-*
yum -y install git
yum -y install mlocate
# Checkout the upstream repo and and merge the PR changes on a branch (not needed in travis)
## Change this to you!
git config --global ""
git config --global "Chris Hill"
git clone
cd MITgcm66h/
git checkout -b pr-testing/jklymak/addNF90IO
git pull --noedit addNF90IO
cd verification/testNF90io
mkdir run build
cd build
source ~/.bashrc
module purge all
module load mpi/mpich-x86_64
export NETCDF_ROOT=`nc-config --prefix`
cat > mypatch.patch <<'EOFA'
diff --git a/tools/genmake2 b/tools/genmake2
index 005c19f..9b026b8 100755
--- a/tools/genmake2
+++ b/tools/genmake2
@@ -1097,5 +1097,5 @@ check_nf90io_libs() {
echo "<<< f90tst_parallel.f90 ===" >> f90tst_parallel.log
- echo "$FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
+ echo "$F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
echo " && $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS" >> f90tst_parallel.log
- $FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
+ $F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
&& $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1
@@ -1110,5 +1110,5 @@ check_nf90io_libs() {
echo "==> try again with added '-lnetcdf'" > f90tst_parallel.log
- echo "$FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
+ echo "$F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
echo " && $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS -lnetcdf" >> f90tst_parallel.log
- $FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
+ $F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
&& $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS -lnetcdf >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1
@@ -1125,5 +1125,5 @@ check_nf90io_libs() {
- echo "$FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
+ echo "$F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -c f90tst_parallel.f90 \ " >> f90tst_parallel.log
echo " && $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS -lnetcdf" >> f90tst_parallel.log
- $FC $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
+ $F90C $FFLAGS $FOPTIM $INCLUDES -c ${TOOLSDIR}/maketests/f90tst_parallel.f90 >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1 \
&& $LINK $FFLAGS $FOPTIM -o f90tst_parallel f90tst_parallel.o $LIBS -lnetcdf -lnetcdff >> f90tst_parallel.log 2>&1
git apply mypatch.patch
../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code -optfile=../../../tools/build_options/linux_amd64_gfortran -mpi
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