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Last active August 1, 2017 07:52
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From Canvas to CFDocument via AJAX
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Canvas Image To CFDocument Via toDataURL() and AJAX</title>
<script src="//"></script>
<a href="#" id="makePdfLink">Make PDF</a>, <a href="aPdf.pdf">View PDF</a>
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
// generate a simple canvas object
var canvas=document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');
// when the user clicks the makePdfLink
$("#makePdfLink").click(function() {
// convert the canvas to an image object
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var image = new Image(); = 'pic';
image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
// create a formData object and add the image to it
var data = new FormData();
// send the formData object to the cfc function via ajax
url: 'PDF.cfc?method=make',
data: data,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
dataType: "json",
processData: false,
type: 'POST',
success: function(results){
error: function(results){
<cffunction name="make" access="remote" returnformat="json" returntype="any" output="true">
<cfargument name="pdfBody" type="any" required="true" />
<cfset request.acceptExt = 'image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png' />
<cfdocument format="pdf" overwrite="yes" filename="aPdf.pdf" localurl="true">
<cfdocumentitem type="header">the header</cfdocumentitem>
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">the footer</cfdocumentitem>
<!--- problem! this generates a long string...not an image --->
<cfreturn SerializeJSON(form) />
<!--- SOLUTION! --->
<cffunction name="make" access="remote" returnformat="json" returntype="any" output="true">
<cfargument name="pdfBody" type="any" required="true" />
<cfset request.acceptExt = 'image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png' />
<!--- read the base 64 representation of the image --->
<cfset cfImageObject = ImageReadBase64(pdfBody) />
<!--- create a new cf image object --->
<cfimage source="#cfImageObject#" destination="aPng.png" action="write" overwrite="yes">
<cfdocument format="pdf" overwrite="yes" filename="aPdf.pdf" localurl="true">
<cfdocumentitem type="header">the header</cfdocumentitem>
<cfdocumentitem type="footer">the footer</cfdocumentitem>
<!--- it works! --->
<img src="aPng.png" />
<cfreturn SerializeJSON(form) />
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