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Created June 11, 2009 23:40
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module Rpn
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Operator a = Unary (a -> a)
| Binary (a -> a -> a)
| Ternary (a -> a -> a -> a)
| Quaternary (a -> a -> a -> a -> a)
| Reductive ([a] -> a)
| Projective ([a] -> [a])
project f (x:xs) = map (f x) xs
calculate :: (Num a) => Operator a -> [a] -> [a]
calculate (Unary op) (a:ns) = (op a):ns
calculate (Binary op) (a:b:ns) = (a `op` b):ns
calculate (Ternary op) (a:b:c:ns) = (op a b c):ns
calculate (Quaternary op) (a:b:c:d:ns) = (op a b c d):ns
calculate (Reductive op) ns = [op ns]
calculate (Projective op) ns = op ns
pow a b = a ^^ (floor b)
applyOperator (x:xs) = calculate op xs
where op = (snd $ operatorList !! floor x)
operatorList :: [(String, Operator Double)]
operatorList = [
("neg", Unary negate),
("abs", Unary abs),
("sig", Unary signum),
("recip", Unary recip),
("exp", Unary exp),
("sqrt", Unary sqrt),
("log", Unary log),
("log10", Unary (logBase 10)),
("+", Binary (+)),
("-", Binary (-)),
("*", Binary (*)),
("/", Binary (/)),
("max", Binary max),
("min", Binary min),
("^", Binary pow),
("sum", Reductive sum),
("product", Reductive product),
("+´", Projective (project (+))),
("-´", Projective (project (-))),
("*´", Projective (project (*))),
("/´", Projective (project (/))),
("max´", Projective (project max)),
("min´", Projective (project min)),
("^´", Projective (project pow)),
(">", Projective tail),
("><", Projective (\(x:y:ns) -> y:x:ns)),
("<", Projective (\(x:xs) -> x:x:xs)),
("<=>", Projective reverse),
("$", Projective applyOperator),
(".", Projective (\(x:y:ns) -> [y .. x] ++ ns)),
("..", Projective (\(x:y:z:ns) -> [y, z .. x] ++ ns))
operators = Map.fromList operatorList
perform stack input = apply operator
where apply Nothing = (read input):stack
apply (Just op) = calculate op stack
operator = Map.lookup input operators
performRpn input =
show $ head $ foldl (perform) [] $ words input
main = interact (unlines . (map performRpn) . lines)
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