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Last active June 8, 2016 19:24
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PowerShell Script that updates the knife-windows bootstrap template so it installs chef as a service.
$basePath = "C:\opscode\chefdk\embedded\lib\ruby\gems"
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $basePath
$knifeWindows = Get-ChildItem -Path "$basepath\$folders\gems"
foreach ($folder in $knifeWindows) {
if ($folder.Name -Like "knife-windows*") {
$knifeWindowsVer = $folder.Name
$fullBootstrapPath = "$basepath\$folders\gems\$knifeWindowsVer\lib\chef\knife\bootstrap"
$templateFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $fullBootstrapPath
if ($templateFile -is [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) {
Write-Host "Copying the original bootstrap file to windows-chef-client-msi-original.erb"
copy-item "$fullBootstrapPath\$templateFile" -Destination "$fullBootstrapPath\windows-chef-client-msi-original.erb"
Write-Host "Replacing the default install parameter with install parameters for adding the service"
(Get-Content "$fullBootstrapPath\$templateFile").Replace('<%= install_chef %>',"`n@ECHO Installing Chef...`n@msiexec /qn /i `"%LOCAL_DESTINATION_MSI_PATH%`" ADDLOCAL=`"ChefClientFeature,ChefServiceFeature`"`n@ECHO Installation complete`n@endlocal`n`n") | Set-Content "$fullBootstrapPath\$templateFile"
} else {
if (-not (Test-Path "$fullBootstrapPath\windows-chef-client-msi-original.erb")) {
copy-item "$fullBootstrapPath\$templateFile" -Destination "$fullBootstrapPath\windows-chef-client-msi-original.erb"
} else {
write-host "You may have alread edited the windows-chef-client-msi-original.erb"
Write-Host "Doing nothing, check the folder $fullBootstrapPath"
Write-Host "it should contain one file windows-chef-client-msi.erb"
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Chef Windows

Powershell script that updates the windows bootstrap template to install chef-client as a service

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