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Last active September 16, 2024 08:25
Andrew Kensler's business card raytracer converted to Java
package com.chrisnewland.raytrace;
* Standing on the shoulders of giants.
* I didn't invent this raytracer, just converted it from C to Java with the help of this web page by Fabien Sanglard:
* The original code is by Andrew Kensler. Comments copied from Fabien Sanglard's notes.
public class JavaCard
// Define a vector class
class V3f
float x, y, z; // Vector has three float attributes.
// Empty constructor
// Constructor
V3f(float a, float b, float c)
x = a;
y = b;
z = c;
// Vector add
V3f add(V3f r)
return new V3f(x + r.x, y + r.y, z + r.z);
// Vector scaling
V3f scale(float r)
return new V3f(x * r, y * r, z * r);
// Vector dot product
float dot(V3f r)
return x * r.x + y * r.y + z * r.z;
// Cross-product
V3f cross(V3f r)
return new V3f(y * r.z - z * r.y, z * r.x - x * r.z, x * r.y - y * r.x);
// Used later for normalizing the vector
V3f normalise()
float factor = (float) (1f / (float) Math.sqrt((float) dot(this)));
return scale(factor);
public String toString()
return x + " " + y + " " + z;
int G[] = { 247570, 280596, 280600, 249748, 18578, 18577, 231184, 16, 16 };
// Random generator, return a float within range [0-1]
float randomFloat()
return (float) Math.random();
// The intersection test for line [o,v].
// Return 2 if a hit was found (and also return distance t and bouncing ray
// n).
// Return 0 if no hit was found but ray goes upward
// Return 1 if no hit was found but ray goes downward
// Returns object[] 0 = int (m), 1 = float (t), 2 = Vector3f n
Object[] test(V3f o, V3f d, V3f n)
float t = 1e9f;
int m = 0;
float p2 = -o.z / d.z;
if (.01 < p2)
t = p2;
n = new V3f(0, 0, 1);
m = 1;
for (int k = 18; k >= 0; k--)
for (int j = 8; j >= 0; j--)
if ((G[j] & (1 << k)) > 0)
// There is a sphere but does the ray hit it ?
V3f p = o.add(new V3f(-k, 0, -j - 4));
float b =;
float c = - 1;
float q = b * b - c;
// Does the ray hit the sphere ?
if (q > 0)
float s = -b - (float) Math.sqrt(q);
if (s < t && s > .01)
{ // So far this is the minimum distance, save
// it. And // also // compute the bouncing ray
// vector into 'n'
t = s;
n = (p.add(d.scale(t))).normalise();
m = 2;
return new Object[] { m, t, n };
// sample the world and return the pixel color for
// a ray passing by point o (Origin) and d (Direction)
V3f sample(V3f origin, V3f direction)
V3f n = new V3f();
// Search for an intersection ray Vs World.
Object[] result = test(origin, direction, n);
int m = (int) result[0];
float t = (float) result[1];
n = (V3f) result[2];
if (m == 0)
// No sphere found and the ray goes upward: Generate a sky color
return new V3f(.7f, .6f, 1f).scale((float) Math.pow(1 - direction.z, 4));
// A sphere was maybe hit.
// h = intersection coordinate
V3f h = origin.add(direction.scale(t));
// 'l' = direction to light (with random delta for soft-shadows).
V3f l = new V3f(9 + randomFloat(), 9 + randomFloat(), 16);
l = l.add(h.scale(-1));
l = l.normalise();
// r = The half-vector
V3f r = direction.add(n.scale(;
// Calculated the lambertian factor
float b =;
// Calculate illumination factor (lambertian coefficient > 0 or in
// shadow)?
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
result = test(h, l, n);
int res = (int) result[0];
t = (float) result[1];
n = (V3f) result[2];
if (res > 0)
b = 0;
// Calculate the color 'p' with diffuse and specular component
V3f rdash = r.scale(b > 0 ? 1 : 0);
float p = (float) Math.pow(, 99);
if ((m & 1) == 1)
// No sphere was hit and the ray was going downward:
h = h.scale(0.2f);
// Generate a floor color
int ceil = (int) (Math.ceil(h.x) + Math.ceil(h.y));
if ((ceil & 1) == 1)
return new V3f(3, 1, 1).scale(b * .2f + .1f);
return new V3f(3, 3, 3).scale(b * .2f + .1f);
// m == 2 A sphere was hit.
// Cast an ray bouncing from the sphere surface.
// Attenuate color by 50% since it is bouncing (* .5)
return new V3f(p, p, p).add(sample(h, r).scale(0.5f));
public JavaCard() throws Exception
// Camera direction
V3f g = new V3f(-6, -16, 0).normalise();
// Camera up vector...Seem Z is pointing up :/ WTF !
V3f a = new V3f(0, 0, 1).cross(g).normalise().scale(.002f);
// The right vector, obtained via traditional cross-product
V3f b = g.cross(a).normalise().scale(.002f);
// WTF ? See for more.
V3f c = a.add(b).scale(-256).add(g);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("java.ppm");
fos.write(new String("P6 512 512 255 ").getBytes());
for (int y = 511; y >= 0; y--)
// For each column
for (int x = 511; x >= 0; x--)
{ // For each pixel in a line
// Reuse the vector class to store not XYZ but a RGB pixel color
// Default pixel color is almost pitch black
V3f p = new V3f(13, 13, 13);
// Cast 64 rays per pixel (For blur (stochastic sampling) and
// soft-shadows.
for (int r = 63; r >= 0; r--)
// The delta to apply to the origin of the view (For Depth
// of View blur).
// v t = a * (R() - .5) * 99 + b * (R() - .5) * 99;
// A little bit of delta up/down and left/right
V3f t = a.scale(randomFloat() - 0.5f);
t = t.scale(99);
V3f t2 = b.scale(randomFloat() - 0.5f);
t2 = t2.scale(99);
t = t.add(t2);
// Set the camera focal point v(17,16,8) and Cast the ray
// Accumulate the color returned in the p variable
// Ray Direction with random deltas for stochastic sampling
V3f dirA = a.scale(randomFloat() + x);
V3f dirB = b.scale(randomFloat() + y);
V3f dirC = dirA.add(dirB).add(c);
V3f dir = t.scale(-1f).add(dirC.scale(16f)).normalise();
// Ray Origin +p for color accumulation
p = sample(new V3f(17f, 16f, 8f).add(t), dir).scale(3.5f).add(p);
fos.write((int) p.x);
fos.write((int) p.y);
fos.write((int) p.z);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
new JavaCard();
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Looks like Andrew Kensler's raytracer was inspired by one from Paul Heckbert

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NB - This is my first attempt at conversion. Completely unoptimised and runs about 3x slower than the -O3 C version. Generates way too many new V3f objects so GC pauses may explain the slowness.

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