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Created March 1, 2018 12:04
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RadiusMode, a custom mode for mapbox-gl-draw for drawing a radius
// custom mapbopx-gl-draw mode that modifies draw_line_string
// shows a center point, radius line, and circle polygon while drawing
// forces draw.create on creation of second vertex
import MapboxDraw from 'mapbox-gl-draw';
import numeral from 'numeral';
import lineDistance from 'npm:@turf/line-distance';
const RadiusMode = MapboxDraw.modes.draw_line_string;
function createVertex(parentId, coordinates, path, selected) {
return {
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
meta: 'vertex',
parent: parentId,
coord_path: path,
active: (selected) ? 'true' : 'false',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
// create a circle-like polygon given a center point and radius
function createGeoJSONCircle(center, radiusInKm, parentId, points = 64) {
const coords = {
latitude: center[1],
longitude: center[0],
const km = radiusInKm;
const ret = [];
const distanceX = km / (111.320 * Math.cos((coords.latitude * Math.PI) / 180));
const distanceY = km / 110.574;
let theta;
let x;
let y;
for (let i = 0; i < points; i += 1) {
theta = (i / points) * (2 * Math.PI);
x = distanceX * Math.cos(theta);
y = distanceY * Math.sin(theta);
ret.push([coords.longitude + x, coords.latitude + y]);
return {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [ret],
properties: {
parent: parentId,
function getDisplayMeasurements(feature) {
// should log both metric and standard display strings for the current drawn feature
// metric calculation
const drawnLength = (lineDistance(feature) * 1000); // meters
let metricUnits = 'm';
let metricFormat = '0,0';
let metricMeasurement;
let standardUnits = 'feet';
let standardFormat = '0,0';
let standardMeasurement;
metricMeasurement = drawnLength;
if (drawnLength >= 1000) { // if over 1000 meters, upgrade metric
metricMeasurement = drawnLength / 1000;
metricUnits = 'km';
metricFormat = '0.00';
standardMeasurement = drawnLength * 3.28084;
if (standardMeasurement >= 5280) { // if over 5280 feet, upgrade standard
standardMeasurement /= 5280;
standardUnits = 'mi';
standardFormat = '0.00';
const displayMeasurements = {
metric: `${numeral(metricMeasurement).format(metricFormat)} ${metricUnits}`,
standard: `${numeral(standardMeasurement).format(standardFormat)} ${standardUnits}`,
return displayMeasurements;
const doubleClickZoom = {
enable: (ctx) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// First check we've got a map and some context.
if (! || ! || !ctx._ctx || ! || ! return;
// Now check initial state wasn't false (we leave it disabled if so)
if (!'doubleClickZoom')) return;;
}, 0);
RadiusMode.clickAnywhere = function(state, e) {
// this ends the drawing after the user creates a second point, triggering this.onStop
if (state.currentVertexPosition === 1) {
state.line.addCoordinate(0, e.lngLat.lng,;
return this.changeMode('simple_select', { featureIds: [] });
this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: 'add' });
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng,;
if (state.direction === 'forward') {
state.currentVertexPosition += 1; // eslint-disable-line
state.line.updateCoordinate(state.currentVertexPosition, e.lngLat.lng,;
} else {
state.line.addCoordinate(0, e.lngLat.lng,;
return null;
// creates the final geojson point feature with a radius property
// triggers draw.create
RadiusMode.onStop = function(state) {
// check to see if we've deleted this feature
if (this.getFeature( === undefined) return;
// remove last added coordinate
if (state.line.isValid()) {
const lineGeoJson = state.line.toGeoJSON();
// reconfigure the geojson line into a geojson point with a radius property
const pointWithRadius = {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: lineGeoJson.geometry.coordinates[0],
properties: {
radius: (lineDistance(lineGeoJson) * 1000).toFixed(1),
};'draw.create', {
features: [pointWithRadius],
} else {
this.deleteFeature([], { silent: true });
this.changeMode('simple_select', {}, { silent: true });
RadiusMode.toDisplayFeatures = function(state, geojson, display) {
const isActiveLine = ===; = (isActiveLine) ? 'true' : 'false';
if (!isActiveLine) return display(geojson);
// Only render the line if it has at least one real coordinate
if (geojson.geometry.coordinates.length < 2) return null; = 'feature';
// displays center vertex as a point feature
geojson.geometry.coordinates[state.direction === 'forward' ? geojson.geometry.coordinates.length - 2 : 1],
`${state.direction === 'forward' ? geojson.geometry.coordinates.length - 2 : 1}`,
// displays the line as it is drawn
const displayMeasurements = getDisplayMeasurements(geojson);
// create custom feature for the current pointer position
const currentVertex = {
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
meta: 'currentPosition',
radiusMetric: displayMeasurements.metric,
radiusStandard: displayMeasurements.standard,
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: geojson.geometry.coordinates[1],
// create custom feature for radius circlemarker
const center = geojson.geometry.coordinates[0];
const radiusInKm = lineDistance(geojson, 'kilometers');
const circleFeature = createGeoJSONCircle(center, radiusInKm,; = 'radius';
return null;
export default RadiusMode;
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molinto commented Apr 18, 2023

I've published an npm module called mapbox-gl-draw-circle which lets you draw and edit a circle. Please do take a look and feel free to reach out to me if you find any issues.

Project has been dropped, not updated in 4 years :(

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