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Created December 11, 2020 19:28
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import os
import time
import random
from rich import print
from import Live
def generate_layout(rows, columns):
chars = ['L', '.']
layout = []
for c in range(columns):
row = []
for r in range(rows):
def print_layout(seat_array):
layout = ""
for column in seat_array:
txt = ""
for seat in column:
if seat == '.': txt += "[yellow]" + " " + "[/yellow]"
if seat == '#': txt += "[red]" + "▓" + "[/red]"
if seat == 'L': txt += "[green]" + '▒' + "[/green]"
if seat == 'X': txt += "[black]" + seat + "[/black]"
layout += '\n' + txt
def model_seats(layout):
rows = len(layout)
columns = len(layout[0])
seats = []
for r in range(rows):
seat_cols = []
for c in range(columns):
dist = columns
current = layout[r][c]
left = layout[r][c-1] if c-1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if left == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
left = layout[r][c-i] if c-i in range(columns) else 'X'
if left == 'L' or left == '#' or left == 'X': break
right = layout[r][c+1] if c+1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if right == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
right = layout[r][c+i] if c+i in range(columns) else 'X'
if right == 'L' or right == '#' or right == 'X': break
up = layout[r-1][c] if r-1 in range(rows) else 'X'
if up == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
up = layout[r-i][c] if r-i in range(columns) else 'X'
if up == 'L' or up == '#' or up == 'X': break
down = layout[r+1][c] if r+1 in range(rows) else 'X'
if down == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
down = layout[r+i][c] if r+i in range(rows) else 'X'
if down == 'L' or down == '#' or down == 'X': break
up_left = layout[r-1][c-1] if r-1 in range(rows) and c-1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if up_left == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
up_left = layout[r-i][c-i] if r-i in range(rows) and c-i in range(columns) else 'X'
if up_left == 'L' or up_left == '#' or up_left == 'X': break
up_right = layout[r-1][c+1] if r-1 in range(rows) and c+1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if up_right == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
up_right = layout[r-i][c+i] if r-i in range(rows) and c+i in range(columns) else 'X'
if up_right == 'L' or up_right == '#' or up_right == 'X': break
down_left = layout[r+1][c-1] if r+1 in range(rows) and c-1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if down_left == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
down_left = layout[r+i][c-i] if r+i in range(rows) and c-i in range(columns) else 'X'
if down_left == 'L' or down_left == '#' or down_left == 'X': break
down_right = layout[r+1][c+1] if r+1 in range(rows) and c+1 in range(columns) else 'X'
if down_right == '.':
for i in range(1, dist):
down_right = layout[r+i][c+i] if r+i in range(rows) and c+i in range(columns) else 'X'
if down_right == 'L' or down_right == '#' or down_right == 'X': break
adjacent_seats = [left, right, up, down, up_left, up_right, down_left, down_right]
taken_seats = 0
for seat in adjacent_seats:
if seat == '#': taken_seats += 1
if current == 'L' and taken_seats == 0: current = '#'
if current == '#' and taken_seats >= 5: current = 'L'
while True:
rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
layout = generate_layout(int(columns), int(rows))
occupied_seat_counts = [0]
seats = model_seats(layout)
with Live(refresh_per_second=10, vertical_overflow='visable') as live:
while True:
seats = model_seats(seats)
layout = print_layout(seats)
occupied_seats = layout.count('▓')
if occupied_seats == occupied_seat_counts[-1]:
# result = occupied_seat_counts[-1]
# print("RESULT: {}".format(result))
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