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Created October 11, 2012 09:09
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A regular expression that validates date.
var re = /^(\d{4})[-\/\.]{0,1}(?:(?:(11|0?[469])[-\/\.]?([12]\d|30|0?[1-9]))|(?:(1[02]|0?[13578])[-\/\.]{0,1}([1-2]\d|3[01]|0?[1-9]))|(?:(0?2)[-\/\.]{0,1}(2[1-9]|1\d|0?[1-9])))$/;
// test
// valid dates
'2012021', // '2012-02-01'
// invalid dates
].forEach(function(item, idx){
// DO NOT forget to call trim()
var m = item.trim().match(re)
if (m instanceof Array) {
// known issue:
// #1
// due to regexp implement, the match result will look like this:
// [ '2012121', '2012', undefined, undefined, '12', '1', undefined, undefined, index: 0, input: '2012121' ]
// the first two `underfined` mean Apr, Jun, Sep and Nov.
// the last two `underfined` mean Feb.
// #2
// date like '2012121' will always be recognized as '2012-12-1' not '2012-1-21', but '2012131' will be recognized as '2012-1-31'
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