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Created May 21, 2019 23:13
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require "language/node"
require "json"
class Babel < Formula
desc "Compiler for writing next generation JavaScript"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "23950a9e697f5efee8dae8e6d7855f0dd22885c40a5243df1c0fd5b0b522f0e6"
bottle do
sha256 "700aa5420c7d1b736a331ce97bd97b96b3c4966e486cf14a75d07a2526b9cfd9" => :mojave
sha256 "d24cfc3604d50be1c12f0d03096ab479f974a7e44c1557081a886df03c29b83e" => :high_sierra
sha256 "35721d11e95cf2ff177607b1136e80ae58c1ab794d27aac838f646b9a3e620fa" => :sierra
depends_on "node"
resource "babel-cli" do
url ""
sha256 "aa6b4c8d5564e44f68e0ac1198e8a13ae641fcd9af3119e38538e34a691f1dbb"
def install
(buildpath/"node_modules/@babel/core").install Dir["*"]
buildpath.install resource("babel-cli")
# declare babel-core as a bundledDependency of babel-cli
pkg_json = JSON.parse("package.json"))
pkg_json["dependencies"]["@babel/core"] = version
pkg_json["bundledDependencies"] = ["@babel/core"]
IO.write("package.json", JSON.pretty_generate(pkg_json))
system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.std_npm_install_args(libexec)
bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"]
test do
(testpath/"script.js").write <<~EOS
[1,2,3].map(n => n + 1);
system bin/"babel", "script.js", "--out-file", "script-compiled.js"
assert_predicate testpath/"script-compiled.js", :exist?, "script-compiled.js was not generated"
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