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Created November 25, 2017 20:46
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Homebrew Formula of yarn installing a test build of my homebrew-node-gyp branch
class Yarn < Formula
desc "JavaScript package manager"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "df9ab3a21ba62ed57fc68c592b4d0000b762739ee4d80566f293187705b6f12b"
revision 42
bottle :unneeded
depends_on "node" => :recommended
def install
libexec.install Dir["*"]
(bin/"yarn").write_env_script "#{libexec}/bin/yarn.js", :PREFIX => HOMEBREW_PREFIX
(bin/"yarnpkg").write_env_script "#{libexec}/bin/yarn.js", :PREFIX => HOMEBREW_PREFIX
inreplace "#{libexec}/package.json", '"installationMethod": "tar"', '"installationMethod": "homebrew"'
test do
(testpath/"package.json").write('{"name": "test"}')
system bin/"yarn", "add", "jquery"
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