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Created July 10, 2017 08:29
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require "language/node"
class NowCli < Formula
desc "The command-line interface for realtime global deployments."
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "7924feb98f07a599cb9ffdabd07f95048864cf4fe15fdcbd2922b8cd8b32a8be"
depends_on "node" => :build
def install
inreplace "package.json" do |s|
s.gsub! /^.*"prepublish".*$/, '' # don't run prepublish
s.gsub! /^.*"postinstall".*$/, '' # don't run postinstall
# replace update notice message
# ToDo: Mabe disbale update notifier completly?
inreplace "bin/now.js", "Please download binaries from",
"Please update with: brew upgrade now-cli"
# Read the target node version from package.json
target ="package.json").match(/\"(node\d+)-macos-x64\"/)[1]
system "npm", "install", *Language::Node.local_npm_install_args
# This packages now-cli together with a patched version of node (7 atm)
# Said version of node is build from source in this install step
# The homebrew provided node8 is only used as a build tool.
pkg_args = %W[
system "node_modules/.bin/pkg", "bin/now.js", *pkg_args
# This is a 58MB big executable containing said patched node7 version + all JavaScript
# sources of now-cli and dependencies packed into it.
bin.install "packed/now"
test do
system "#{bin}/now", "-v"
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