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Created April 5, 2017 09:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import re
import string
PAGE_SIZE_IN_KB = 4096 // 1024
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def read_file(path):
with open(path) as f:
def make_proc_file_reader(name):
def getter(pid):
path = '/proc/{}/{}'.format(pid, name)
return read_file(path)
return getter
statm = make_proc_file_reader('statm')
status = make_proc_file_reader('status')
smaps = make_proc_file_reader('smaps')
def parse_heading(heading):
parts = re.split(r'\s+', heading, maxsplit=6)
if len(parts) == 5:
if len(parts) == 6:
return tuple(parts)
def slow_calc(pid):
s = smaps(pid)
lines = filter(None, s.split('\n'))
data = {}
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
fields = {}
heading = lines[i]
i += 1
while i < len(lines) and (lines[i][0] not in string.hexdigits.lower()):
m = re.match('^(\w+):\s+(\d+)\s+kB$', lines[i])
if m:
key, value = m.groups(1)
fields[key] = int(value)
i += 1
data[parse_heading(heading)] = fields
annotated = {}
for heading, fields in data.items():
address, permissions, _, _, _, path, is_deleated = heading
should_count = '3'
if not path.startswith("/"):
should_count = '1'
elif path.startswith("/") and permissions == "rw-p":
should_count = '2'
elif path.startswith("/") and permissions == "r--p":
should_count = '2'
annotated[(should_count, path, permissions, heading)] = fields
eprint('Slow calc for {}:'.format(pid))
total = 0
eprint(' path permissions prv_d prv_c swap shd_d shd_c counting'.format(**locals()))
for heading, fields in sorted(annotated.items()):
should_count, path, permissions, _ = heading
private_dirty = fields["Private_Dirty"]
private_clean = fields["Private_Clean"]
swap = fields["Swap"]
shared_clean = fields["Shared_Clean"]
shared_dirty = fields["Shared_Dirty"]
if should_count == '1':
reason = 'everything'
total += private_dirty + private_clean + swap + shared_clean + shared_dirty
elif should_count == '2':
reason = 'prv_d + prv_c'
total += private_dirty + private_clean
elif should_count == '3':
reason = 'nothing'
assert False
eprint('{should_count:1} {path:80} {permissions} {private_dirty:5} {private_clean:5} {swap:5} {shared_dirty:5} {shared_clean:5} {reason}'.format(**locals()))
return total
def get_vmswap(pid):
text = status(pid)
lines = text.split('\n')
for line in lines:
m = re.match('^VmSwap:\s+(\d+)\s+kB$', line)
if m:
return int(
def get_resident_and_shared(pid):
s = statm(pid)
nums = map(int, s.split(' '))
size, resident, shared, text, lib, data, dt = nums
return resident, shared
def fast_calc(pid):
vmswap = get_vmswap(pid)
resident, shared = get_resident_and_shared(pid)
page_size = PAGE_SIZE_IN_KB
total = vmswap + page_size * (resident - shared)
eprint('Fast calc for {}:'.format(pid))
eprint('vmswap + page_size * (resident - shared) = total'.format(**locals()))
eprint('{vmswap:6} + {page_size:9} * ({resident:8} - {shared:6}) = {total:5}'.format(**locals()))
return total
def get_result(pid):
return pid, fast_calc(pid), slow_calc(pid)
def show_help():
print('Usage: <pid> [<pid>...]')
def main(args):
if '-h' in args or '--h' in args:
pids = [arg for arg in args[1:] if not arg.startswith('-')]
results = map(lambda pid: get_result(pid), pids)
print('pid fast_total slow_total fast_total-slow_total')
for pid, fast_total, slow_total in results:
print('{:8} {:7} {:7} {:7}'.format(pid, fast_total, slow_total, fast_total-slow_total))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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