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Created March 1, 2017 22:16
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Repeating vagrant hang-up
INFO vmware_driver: vmrun getGuestIPAddress failed: VMRunError
INFO vmware_driver: Reading VMX data...
DEBUG vmware_driver: - .encoding = UTF-8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - bios.bootorder = hdd,CDROM
DEBUG vmware_driver: - checkpoint.vmstate =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - cleanshutdown = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - config.version = 8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - cpuid.corespersocket = 1
DEBUG vmware_driver: - displayname = seven: default
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ehci.pcislotnumber = -1
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ehci.present = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.addresstype = generated
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.connectiontype = nat
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.pcislotnumber = 32
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.virtualdev = e1000
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.addresstype = generated
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.connectiontype = custom
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.pcislotnumber = 33
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.virtualdev = e1000
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.vnet = vmnet2
DEBUG vmware_driver: - extendedconfigfile = ubuntu-16.04-amd64.vmxf
DEBUG vmware_driver: - filesearchpath = .;/Users/chronon/.vagrant.d/boxes/bento-VAGRANTSLASH-ubuntu-16.04/2.3.1/vmware_desktop
DEBUG vmware_driver: - floppy0.present = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - guestos = ubuntu-64
DEBUG vmware_driver: - gui.fullscreenatpoweron = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - gui.viewmodeatpoweron = windowed
DEBUG vmware_driver: - hgfs.linkrootshare = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - hgfs.maprootshare = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ide1:0.clientdevice = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ide1:0.devicetype = cdrom-raw
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ide1:0.filename = auto detect
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ide1:0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ide1:0.startconnected = false
DEBUG vmware_driver: - = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - memsize = 512
DEBUG vmware_driver: - migrate.hostlog = ./ubuntu-16.04-amd64-5d44da07.hlog
DEBUG vmware_driver: - monitor.phys_bits_used = 40
DEBUG vmware_driver: - msg.autoanswer = true
DEBUG vmware_driver: - numa.autosize.cookie = 10001
DEBUG vmware_driver: - numa.autosize.vcpu.maxpervirtualnode = 1
DEBUG vmware_driver: - numvcpus = 1
DEBUG vmware_driver: - nvram = ubuntu-16.04-amd64.nvram
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge0.pcislotnumber = 17
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge4.functions = 8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge4.pcislotnumber = 21
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge4.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge4.virtualdev = pcieRootPort
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge5.functions = 8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge5.pcislotnumber = 22
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge5.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge5.virtualdev = pcieRootPort
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge6.functions = 8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge6.pcislotnumber = 23
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge6.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge6.virtualdev = pcieRootPort
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge7.functions = 8
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge7.pcislotnumber = 24
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge7.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - pcibridge7.virtualdev = pcieRootPort
DEBUG vmware_driver: - policy.vm.mvmtid =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - powertype.poweroff = soft
DEBUG vmware_driver: - powertype.poweron = soft
DEBUG vmware_driver: - powertype.reset = soft
DEBUG vmware_driver: - powertype.suspend = soft
DEBUG vmware_driver: - proxyapps.publishtohost = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - remotedisplay.vnc.enabled = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - remotedisplay.vnc.ip =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - remotedisplay.vnc.key = Izw3Lx0gIScSOCQTFjoXOR4rIwsLEj86CQ8SLwclKjYHFT4+Jiw4IDchKDcJCh0LGTo5ARErHjscHjMbKjwmJzwBHBUuLTUZNwcjMTQBNzkjMgsvMRwmPjgQHi4ZPiolFC4NPhwxPQEOIikhJhUdHSoVLwElBjY3IQwcHRUOHSw=
DEBUG vmware_driver: - remotedisplay.vnc.password = ds-IGO!>
DEBUG vmware_driver: - remotedisplay.vnc.port = 5954
DEBUG vmware_driver: - replay.filename =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - replay.supported = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0.pcislotnumber = 16
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0.virtualdev = lsilogic
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0:0.filename = disk-cl1.vmdk
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0:0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - scsi0:0.redo =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - softpoweroff = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - sound.startconnected = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - tools.synctime = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - tools.upgrade.policy = upgradeAtPowerCycle
DEBUG vmware_driver: - usb.pcislotnumber = -1
DEBUG vmware_driver: - usb.present = FALSE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - uuid.action = create
DEBUG vmware_driver: - uuid.bios = 56 4d e5 12 14 60 f0 46-9b 34 e9 94 c6 7b 9c fb
DEBUG vmware_driver: - uuid.location = 56 4d e5 12 14 60 f0 46-9b 34 e9 94 c6 7b 9c fb
DEBUG vmware_driver: - vc.uuid =
DEBUG vmware_driver: - virtualhw.productcompatibility = hosted
DEBUG vmware_driver: - virtualhw.version = 9
DEBUG vmware_driver: - = 1861462627
DEBUG vmware_driver: - vmci0.pcislotnumber = 35
DEBUG vmware_driver: - vmci0.present = TRUE
DEBUG vmware_driver: - vmotion.checkpointfbsize = 109051904
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.generatedaddress = 00:0c:29:7b:9c:fb
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet0.generatedaddressoffset = 0
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.generatedaddress = 00:0c:29:7b:9c:05
DEBUG vmware_driver: - ethernet1.generatedaddressoffset = 10
DEBUG vmware_driver: Trying to get MAC address for ethernet0
DEBUG vmware_driver: No explicitly set MAC, looking or auto-generated one...
DEBUG vmware_driver: -- MAC: 00:0c:29:7b:9c:fb
INFO vmware_driver: Reading DHCP lease for '00:0c:29:7b:9c:fb' on 'vmnet8'
INFO vmware_driver: DHCP leases file: [#<Pathname:/var/db/vmware/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet8.leases>, #<Pathname:/var/db/vmware/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet8.leases~>]
INFO dhcp_lease_file: Initialized DHCP helper: /var/db/vmware/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet8.leases
INFO dhcp_lease_file: Looking for IP for MAC: 00:0c:29:7b:9c:fb
INFO dhcp_lease_file: - IP:
INFO dhcp_lease_file: Initialized DHCP helper: /var/db/vmware/vmnet-dhcpd-vmnet8.leases~
INFO dhcp_lease_file: Looking for IP for MAC: 00:0c:29:7b:9c:fb
INFO dhcp_lease_file: - IP:
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/Applications/VMware", "list"]
DEBUG subprocess: Command not in installer, not touching env vars.
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Total running VMs: 1
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG vmware: VM state requested. Current state: running
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/Applications/VMware", "list"]
DEBUG subprocess: Command not in installer, not touching env vars.
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Total running VMs: 1
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
INFO vmware_driver: Reading an accessible IP for machine...
INFO vmware_driver: Trying vmrun getGuestIPAddress...
DEBUG vmware: VM state requested. Current state: running
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/Applications/VMware", "getGuestIPAddress", "/Users/chronon/vagrants/VM/14f8639f-2812-47ec-b773-a55682fd2724/ubuntu-16.04-amd64.vmx"]
DEBUG subprocess: Command not in installer, not touching env vars.
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Error: The VMware Tools are not running in the virtual machine: /Users/chronon/vagrants/VM/14f8639f-2812-47ec-b773-a55682fd2724/ubuntu-16.04-amd64.vmx
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 255
INFO vmware_driver: vmrun getGuestIPAddress failed: VMRunError
INFO vmware_driver: Reading VMX data...
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