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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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/r/dailyprogrammer #208 hard
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# /r/dailyprogrammer #208 hard
# Title: [2015-04-03] Challenge #208 [Hard] The Universal Machine
""" The Universal Machine (Generator approach)
-- (2015) Dave J (
class TuringMachine:
def __init__(self, input_lines):
alph, states, self.start, self.end, tape, *rules = input_lines.strip().splitlines()
self.alphabet = list(alph + '_')
self.states = states.split()
self._tape = list(tape)
self.rules = dict()
self.current_state = self.start
self.tape = self._tape[:]
self.position = 0
self.offset = 0
def _parse_rules(self, rules):
for line in rules:
state_old, symb_old, _, state_new, symb_new, direction = line.split()
self.rules[(state_old, symb_old)] = (state_new, symb_new, direction)
def __iter__(self):
# Initializing the new iter-object.
self.current_state = self.start
self.position = 0
self.offset = 0
self.tape = self._tape[:]
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.current_state == self.end:
raise StopIteration
rl = (self.current_state, self.tape[self.position + self.offset])
if rl[0] not in self.states:
raise Exception("Unknown state '{}'.".format(rl[0]))
if rl[1] not in self.alphabet:
raise Exception("Unknown symbol '{}'.".format(rl[1]))
if rl not in self.rules:
raise Exception("Unknown rule '{}'.".format(rl))
s, y, d = self.rules[rl]
self.current_state = s
self.tape[self.position + self.offset] = y
self.position += (1, -1)[d == '<']
if self.position < 0:
self.offset += 1
self.tape.insert(0, '_')
elif self.position >= len(self.tape):
return self
def __str__(self):
# cleaning:
while self.tape[0] == "_" and self.offset > 0:
self.tape = self.tape[1:]
self.offset -= 1
self.tape = list(''.join(self.tape).rstrip('_'))
indicators = [' ' for _ in range(len(self.tape))]
indicators[self.position + self.offset] = '^'
indicators[self.offset] = '|'
return ''.join(self.tape) + '\n' + ''.join(indicators).rstrip()
def tests():
cases = {"""\
Mov B Bi OK
Mov 0 = Mov 0 >
Mov 1 = Mov 1 >
Mov _ = B _ <
B 0 = B 0 <
B 1 = Bi 1 <
B _ = OK _ >
Bi 0 = Bi 1 <
Bi 1 = Bi 0 <
Bi _ = OK _ >
""": """\
Init Mdot MDash Ret OK
Init _ = Init _ >
Init . = Mdot _ >
Init / = MDash _ >
Init k = OK k >
Mdot . = Mdot . >
Mdot / = Mdot / >
Mdot k = Mdot k >
Mdot _ = Ret . <
MDash . = MDash . >
MDash / = MDash / >
MDash k = MDash k >
MDash _ = Ret / <
Ret . = Ret . <
Ret / = Ret / <
Ret k = Ret k <
Ret _ = Init _ >
""": """\
| ^""",
C0 C1 Ret Search OK
Search 0 = C0 x >
Search 1 = C1 y >
Search # = OK # >
C0 0 = C0 0 >
C0 1 = C0 1 >
C0 # = C0 # >
C0 _ = Ret 0 <
C1 0 = C1 0 >
C1 1 = C1 1 >
C1 # = C1 # >
C1 _ = Ret 1 <
Ret 0 = Ret 0 <
Ret 1 = Ret 1 <
Ret # = Ret # <
Ret x = Search 0 >
Ret y = Search 1 >
""": """\
| ^"""}
for inp, out in cases.items():
tm = TuringMachine(inp)
for output in tm:
# we could print each state of the machine here.
assert str(output) == out
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# /r/dailyprogrammer #208 hard
# Title: [2015-04-03] Challenge #208 [Hard] The Universal Machine
""" The Universal Machine
-- (2015) Dave J (
def machine(string):
The Universal Machine.
No printing done here.
:param string: The input-string, as defined by the challenge.
:return: The output-string, as defined by the challenge.
lines = string.strip().splitlines()
# alphabet = list(lines[0]) # never needed...
states = lines[1].split()
start_state, end_state = lines[2:4]
tape = list(lines[4])
offset = position = 0
state = start_state
transitions = {s: dict() for s in states if s != end_state}
for line in lines[5:]:
state_b, symb_b, _, state_a, symb_a, d = line.split()
transitions[state_b][symb_b] = (state_a, symb_a, d)
# actual action:
while state != end_state:
new_state, new_symbol, d = transitions[state][tape[position]]
tape[position] = new_symbol
position += (1, -1)[d == '<']
if position < 0:
tape.insert(0, '_')
offset += 1
position += 1
elif position >= len(tape):
state = new_state
# cleaning tape:
l = len(tape)
tape = ''.join(tape).lstrip('_')
nl = len(tape)
l_diff = l - nl
position -= l_diff
offset -= l_diff
if offset < 0:
roff = offset * -1
tape = '_' * roff + tape
position += roff
offset = 0
tape = tape.rstrip('_')
# create position-symbols:
pos_arr = [' ' for _ in range(len(tape))]
pos_arr[position] = '^'
pos_arr[offset] = '|'
return ''.join(tape) + '\n' + ''.join(pos_arr).strip()
# __import__("pprint").pprint(locals())
def main():
""" file
:param file: The file, containing the required data.
# can be extended to read from stdin
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
out = machine(
def tests():
# Test-Case 1
c1_in, c1_out = case_1 = """\
Mov B Bi OK
Mov 0 = Mov 0 >
Mov 1 = Mov 1 >
Mov _ = B _ <
B 0 = B 0 <
B 1 = Bi 1 <
B _ = OK _ >
Bi 0 = Bi 1 <
Bi 1 = Bi 0 <
Bi _ = OK _ >
""", """\
c1_out_actual = machine(c1_in)
assert c1_out_actual == c1_out
# Test-Case 2
c2_in, c2_out = case_2 = """\
Init Mdot MDash Ret OK
Init _ = Init _ >
Init . = Mdot _ >
Init / = MDash _ >
Init k = OK k >
Mdot . = Mdot . >
Mdot / = Mdot / >
Mdot k = Mdot k >
Mdot _ = Ret . <
MDash . = MDash . >
MDash / = MDash / >
MDash k = MDash k >
MDash _ = Ret / <
Ret . = Ret . <
Ret / = Ret / <
Ret k = Ret k <
Ret _ = Init _ >
""", """\
| ^"""
c2_out_actual = machine(c2_in)
assert c2_out_actual == c2_out
# Test-Case 3
c3_in, c3_out = case_3 = """\
C0 C1 Ret Search OK
Search 0 = C0 x >
Search 1 = C1 y >
Search # = OK # >
C0 0 = C0 0 >
C0 1 = C0 1 >
C0 # = C0 # >
C0 _ = Ret 0 <
C1 0 = C1 0 >
C1 1 = C1 1 >
C1 # = C1 # >
C1 _ = Ret 1 <
Ret 0 = Ret 0 <
Ret 1 = Ret 1 <
Ret # = Ret # <
Ret x = Search 0 >
Ret y = Search 1 >
""", """\
| ^"""
c3_out_actual = machine(c3_in)
assert c3_out_actual == c3_out
if __name__ == '__main__':
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