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Created March 9, 2015 01:29
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Save chrowe/7c3a683a16b53f52d6a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OPK install
pi@temper4 ~ $ wget
--2015-03-08 21:25:11--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 5745294 (5.5M) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: `node_0.10.36_armhf.deb'
100%[================================================================================>] 5,745,294 7.69M/s in 0.7s
2015-03-08 21:25:12 (7.69 MB/s) - `node_0.10.36_armhf.deb' saved [5745294/5745294]
pi@temper4 ~ $ sudo dpkg -i node_0.10.36_armhf.deb
(Reading database ... 47030 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace node 0.10.36-1 (using node_0.10.36_armhf.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement node ...
Setting up node (0.10.36-1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
pi@temper4 ~ $ node -v
pi@temper4 ~ $ sudo npm install -g opk-pipe-cli
/usr/local/bin/pipe -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/opk-pipe-cli/cli.js
npm WARN unmet dependency /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/node_modules/couch-login requires request@'~2.9.202' but will load
npm WARN unmet dependency /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request,
npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 2.42.0
opk-pipe-cli@0.1.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/opk-pipe-cli
└── commander@2.6.0
pi@temper4 ~ $ pipe --version
pi@temper4 ~ $ mkdir pipe1
pi@temper4 ~ $ cd pipe1
pi@temper4 ~/pipe1 $ pipe init
No config.json found.
Initializing your pipe.
File config.json written.
pi@temper4 ~/pipe1 $ git clone
Cloning into 'opk-temper1-cli'...
remote: Counting objects: 51, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done.
remote: Total 51 (delta 25), reused 35 (delta 9), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (51/51), 6.24 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (25/25), done.
pi@temper4 ~/pipe1 $ ./opk-temper1-cli/install
Detecting environment.
Installing for Raspbian...
opk-temper1@0.1.0 No repository field.
commander@2.6.0 node_modules/commander
Cloning into 'temper1x.raspbian'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
pi@temper4 ~/pipe1 $ ./opk-temper1-cli/configure
if("TEMPer1V1.") == 0 &&
TypeError: Cannot call method 'search' of undefined
at /home/pi/pipe1/opk-temper1-cli/node_modules/temper1x/index.js:10:20
at Array.forEach (native)
at Object.exports.getDevices (/home/pi/pipe1/opk-temper1-cli/node_modules/temper1x/index.js:9:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/pipe1/opk-temper1-cli/configure:4:28)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
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