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Last active January 25, 2021 17:38
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// Module: Domain
struct KitchenUseCase {
// Obtains stuff already stored in some place inside the restaurant
// For example: fetching it from CoreData, KeychainManager, UserDefaults and so on.
private let localDataSource: KitchenLocalRepository
// Obtains stuff needed from outside of our restaurant.
// For example: doing API calls to a NetworkManager.
private let remoteDataSource: KitchenRemoteRepository
// Our entity that knows how to cook a dish. It's a protocol, so each cooker can have
// his own way to prepare the food. However, they must
// always follow our specifications defined in here to deliver the dish
private let cooker: CookerProtocol
public init(localDataSource: KitchenLocalDataSource, remoteDataSource: KitchenRemoteDataSource, cooker: CookerProtocol) {
self.localDataSource = localDataSource
self.remoteDataSource = remoteDataSource
self.cooker = cooker
// Defines what our Kitchen should do to cook every dish we have in menu, but don't specify HOW
// the Kitchen will do that. That task will be delegate to ours Cookers
public func prepareRecipe(_ recipe: Recipe) {
switch recipe {
case recipe is SpaghettiCarbonara:
// The set of instructions we provide to our kitchen so can delivery our Carbonara dish.
private func cookSpaghettiCarbonara() {
func cook(using ingredients: [Ingredient]) {
let carbonara = SpaghettiCarbonara(ingredients: storedCarbonaraIngredients)
if let storedCarbonaraIngredients = localDataSource.getIngredients(for: SpaghettiCarbonara.self) {
cook(using: storedCarbonaraIngredients)
} else {
remoteDataSource.getIngredients(for: SpaghettiCarbonara.self) { carbonaraIngredients in
cook(using: carbonaraIngredients)
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