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Created January 24, 2015 01:10
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import socket
import requests
import json
import time
import threading
# Connection Information
network = ""
port = 6667
channel = "#channelname"
nickname = "twitchbot"
password = ""
# api = ""
# Connect to network
irc = socket.socket()
irc.connect((network, port))
# Sending messages in channel
def sendMessage(msg, user, private):
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
if(private == True):
irc.send("PRIVMSG " + user + " :" + msg + "\r\n")
irc.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + msg + "\r\n")
# Extract Nickname
def getNick(data):
nick = data.split('!')[0]
nick = nick.replace(':', ' ')
nick = nick.replace(' ', '')
nick = nick.strip(' \t\n\r')
return nick
# Extract search terms
def getSearchTerms(data):
terms = data.split('!search ')
# Make sure the user gave terms
if 2 == len(terms) and 1 <= len(terms[1].lstrip()):
terms = terms[1].strip(' \t\n\r')
return terms
return False
# Get latest posts
def getNews():
# Send index request to API to get front page posts.
r = requests.get(api + "index")
if(r.status_code) == 200:
# Convert json to dictionary
results = json.loads(r.text)
# Get latest entry
request = results['index'][0]
# Check if news topic or content
if 'topic_title' in request:
if request["topic_time"] >= (time.time()-400):
sendMessage("Hey sukebei! A new topic was posted. "+ request['topic_title'] +" : "+ request['topic_url'] +"", "", False)
if request["content_date"] >= (time.time()-400):
sendMessage("Hey sukebei! A new "+ request['content_category'] +" was posted. "+ request['content_name'] +" : "+ request['content_url'] +"", "", False)
# call getNews() again in 300 seconds
threading.Timer(300, getNews).start()
# Authenticate and join the channel
irc.send("NICK " + nickname + "\r\n")
irc.send("USER " + nickname + " " + nickname + " " + nickname + ":Python IRC\r\n")
irc.send("nickserv IDENTIFY %s\r\n" % password)
irc.send("JOIN " + channel + "\r\n")
# Begin news loop thing
# Main loop
while True:
data = irc.recv(4096)
print data
# Keep alive
if data.find("PING") != -1:
irc.send("PONG " + data.split()[1] + "\r\n")
# Search
if data.find(":!search") != -1:
private = True
terms = getSearchTerms(data)
if terms == False:
sendMessage("You typed the command in wrong... bakka...", getNick(data), private)
sendMessage("Hmf~ fine "+getNick(data)+", hold on while I search for you...", getNick(data), private)
# Send search request to API.
r = requests.get(api + "search/" + str(terms))
# Check if API call failed.
if(r.status_code) != 200:
sendMessage("I encountered an error, try again later bakka.", getNick(data), private)
# Convert json to dictionary
results = json.loads(r.text)
sendMessage("Hey "+getNick(data)+" sukebei... I found those things for you... You better like them.", getNick(data), private)
for request in results['content']:
sendMessage(request['content_name'] + " : " + request['content_url'], getNick(data), private)
# List
if data.find(":!list") != -1:
if data.find(nickname + " :!list") != -1:
private = True
private = False
sendMessage("There's so much of this... stuff... There's no way I can list it all. Use !search <term> instead.", getNick(data), private)
# About the bot
if data.find(":!about") != -1:
if data.find(nickname + " :!about") != -1:
private = True
private = False
sendMessage("My name is "+nickname+". You can use me to find things on Fakku for you. I was created by Kisuka.", getNick(data), private)
# Help
if data.find(":!help") != -1:
if data.find(nickname + " :!help") != -1:
private = True
private = False
sendMessage("Try using the !search <terms> command bakka.", getNick(data), private)
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