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Last active March 15, 2019 14:27
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a dependently typed nonogram solver algorithm (wip)
module nono
import Data.Vect
data Descriptor : Nat -> Type where
Nil : Descriptor n
(::) : (k : Nat) -> (d : Descriptor n) -> Descriptor (k + n + isNotEmpty d)
isNotEmpty : Descriptor n -> Nat
isNotEmpty [] = 0
isNotEmpty (_::_) = 1
record Puzzle (n : Nat) (m: Nat) where
constructor MkPuzzle
rows : Vect n (Descriptor m)
columns : Vect m (Descriptor n)
Board : (n, m : Nat) -> Type
Board n m = Vect n (Vect m Bool)
row : Fin n -> Board n m -> Vect m Bool
row = index
column : Fin m -> Board n m -> Vect n Bool
column = map . index
data Chunks : Vect n Bool -> Type where
End : Chunks []
Filled : (k : Nat) -> Chunks xs -> Chunks (replicate k True ++ xs)
Blank : Chunks xs -> Chunks (False :: xs)
chunks : (xs : Vect n Bool) -> Chunks xs
chunks [] = End
chunks (False :: xs) = Blank (chunks xs)
chunks (True :: xs) =
case chunks xs of
(Filled k cs) => Filled (S k) cs
cs => Filled 1 cs
data Matches : Chunks xs -> Descriptor n -> Type where
Done : Matches End []
Skip : Matches cs d -> Matches (Blank cs) d
Chunk : Matches cs d -> Matches (Filled k cs) (k :: d)
endCantMatchSome : Matches End (k :: d) -> Void
endCantMatchSome Done impossible
endCantMatchSome (Skip _) impossible
endCantMatchSome (Chunk _) impossible
filledCantMatchNone : Matches (Filled k x) [] -> Void
filledCantMatchNone Done impossible
filledCantMatchNone (Skip _) impossible
filledCantMatchNone (Chunk _) impossible
matchChunks : (cs : Chunks xs) -> (d : Descriptor n) -> Dec (Matches cs d)
matchChunks End [] = Yes Done
matchChunks End (k :: d) = No endCantMatchSome
matchChunks (Blank x) d =
case matchChunks x d of
(Yes prf) => Yes (Skip prf)
(No contra) => No (\(Skip prf) => contra prf)
matchChunks (Filled k x) [] = No filledCantMatchNone
matchChunks (Filled k x) (j :: d) with (decEq k j)
matchChunks (Filled j x) (j :: d) | (Yes Refl) =
case matchChunks x d of
(Yes prf) => Yes (Chunk prf)
(No contra) => No (\(Chunk prf) => contra prf)
matchChunks (Filled k x) (j :: d) | (No contra) = No (\(Chunk prf) => contra Refl)
matches : (xs : Vect n Bool) -> (d : Descriptor n) -> Dec (Matches (chunks xs) d)
matches xs d = matchChunks (chunks xs) d
data Solves : (b : Board n m) -> (p : Puzzle n m) -> Type where
Solution :
(rowsMatch : (i : Fin n) -> Matches (chunks (row i b)) (index i (rows p))) ->
(columnsMatch : (i : Fin m) -> Matches (chunks (column i b)) (index i (columns p))) ->
Solves b p
unwrap : {P : Fin n -> Type} -> ((i : Fin n) -> Dec (P i)) -> Dec ((i : Fin n) -> (P i))
unwrap {n = Z} f = Yes (\x => absurd x)
unwrap {n = (S k)} {P=P} f =
case unwrap {P = P . FS} (\x => f (FS x)) of
(Yes prfS) =>
case f FZ of
(Yes prfZ) => Yes (\x =>
case x of
FZ => prfZ
(FS i) => prfS i)
(No contra) => No (\g => contra (g FZ))
(No contra) => No (\g => contra (\x => g (FS x)))
decSolves : (b : Board n m) -> (p : Puzzle n m) -> Dec (b `Solves` p)
decSolves b p =
case decRowsMatch of
(Yes prf1) =>
case decColumnsMatch of
(Yes prf2) => Yes (Solution prf1 prf2)
(No contra) => No (\(Solution _ prf) => contra prf)
(No contra) => No (\(Solution prf _) => contra prf)
rowMatches : (i : Fin n) -> Dec (Matches (chunks (row i b)) (index i (rows p)))
rowMatches i = matches (row i b) (index i (rows p))
columnMatches : (i : Fin m) -> Dec ( Matches (chunks (column i b)) (index i (columns p)))
columnMatches i = matches (column i b) (index i (columns p))
decRowsMatch : Dec ((i : Fin n) -> Matches (chunks (row i b)) (index i (rows p)))
decRowsMatch = unwrap rowMatches {P = \i => Matches (chunks (row i b)) (index i (rows p))}
decColumnsMatch : Dec ((i : Fin m) -> Matches (chunks (column i b)) (index i (columns p)))
decColumnsMatch = unwrap columnMatches {P = \i => Matches (chunks (column i b)) (index i (columns p))}
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