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Created May 4, 2018 04:29
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Session types in Idris
module sess
import System.Concurrency.Channels
infix 3 :!:, :?:
infix 2 :+:, :&:
data Protocol : Type where
Eps : Protocol
(:!:) : Type -> Protocol -> Protocol
(:?:) : Type -> Protocol -> Protocol
(:+:) : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
(:&:) : Protocol -> Protocol -> Protocol
Rec : Protocol -> Protocol
Var : Nat -> Protocol
%name Protocol p,q
dual : Protocol -> Protocol
dual (t :!: p) = t :?: dual p
dual (t :?: p) = t :!: dual p
dual (p :+: q) = dual p :&: dual q
dual (p :&: q) = dual p :+: dual q
dual (Rec p) = Rec (dual p)
dual p = p
dualInvolution : p = dual (dual p)
dualInvolution {p = Eps} = Refl
dualInvolution {p = (t :!: p)} = rewrite dualInvolution {p=p} in Refl
dualInvolution {p = (t :?: p)} = rewrite dualInvolution {p=p} in Refl
dualInvolution {p = (p :+: q)} =
rewrite dualInvolution {p=p} in rewrite dualInvolution {p=q} in Refl
dualInvolution {p = (p :&: q)} =
rewrite dualInvolution {p=p} in rewrite dualInvolution {p=q} in Refl
dualInvolution {p = (Rec p)} = rewrite dualInvolution {p=p} in Refl
dualInvolution {p = (Var k)} = Refl
data Capacity : Type where
Cap : List Protocol -> Protocol -> Capacity
Done : Capacity
data Session : Capacity -> Capacity -> Type -> Type where
Send : a -> Session (Cap e (a :!: p)) (Cap e p) ()
Recv : Session (Cap e (a :?: p)) (Cap e p) a
Close : Session (Cap e Eps) Done ()
Inl : Session (Cap e (p :+: q)) (Cap e p) ()
Inr : Session (Cap e (p :+: q)) (Cap e q) ()
Offer : Session (Cap e p) c a -> Session (Cap e q) c a -> Session (Cap e (p :&: q)) c a
Enter : Session (Cap e (Rec p)) (Cap (p::e) p) ()
Zero : Session (Cap (p::e) (Var Z)) (Cap (p::e) p) ()
Succ : Session (Cap (p::e) (Var (S k))) (Cap e (Var k)) ()
Loop : Inf (Session (Cap (p::e) p) c a) -> Session (Cap (p::e) p) c a
Lift : IO a -> Session c c a
Pure : a -> Session c c a
(>>=) : Session c1 c2 a -> (a -> Session c2 c3 b) -> Session c1 c3 b
data Fuel = Dry | More (Lazy Fuel)
forever : Fuel
forever = More forever
run : Fuel -> Channel -> Session c1 c2 t -> IO (Maybe t)
run Dry _ _ = pure Nothing
run fuel chan (Send x) =
do True <- unsafeSend chan x | False => pure Nothing
pure (Just ())
run fuel chan Recv = unsafeRecv _ chan
run fuel chan Close = pure (Just ())
run fuel chan Inl =
do True <- unsafeSend chan True | False => pure Nothing
pure (Just ())
run fuel chan Inr =
do True <- unsafeSend chan False | False => pure Nothing
pure (Just ())
run fuel chan (Offer x y) =
do Just choice <- unsafeRecv Bool chan | Nothing => pure Nothing
if choice then run fuel chan x else run fuel chan y
run fuel chan Enter = pure (Just ())
run fuel chan Zero = pure (Just ())
run fuel chan Succ = pure (Just ())
run (More fuel) chan (Loop x) = run fuel chan x
run fuel chan (Lift m) = do x <- m; pure (Just x)
run fuel chan (Pure x) = pure (Just x)
run fuel chan (x >>= f) =
do Just r <- run fuel chan x | Nothing => pure Nothing
run fuel chan (f r)
AtmInner : Protocol
AtmInner = atmDeposit :&: (atmWithdraw :&: Eps)
atmDeposit : Protocol
atmDeposit = Int :?: (Int :!: Var Z)
atmWithdraw : Protocol
atmWithdraw = Int :?: (Var Z :+: Var Z)
Atm : Protocol
Atm = String :?: (Rec AtmInner :+: Eps)
Server : Protocol -> Type
Server p = Session (Cap [] p) Done ()
Client : Protocol -> Type
Client p = Session (Cap [] (dual p)) Done ()
approved : String -> Bool
approved s = s == "myId"
atm : Int -> Server Atm
atm balance = do id <- Recv
if approved id then
do Inl; Enter; atmInner balance
do Inr; Close
atmInner balance =
(do amt <- Recv
let newBalance = amt + balance
Send newBalance
Zero; Loop (atmInner newBalance))
(do amt <- Recv
if balance >= amt then
do Inl; Zero; Loop (atmInner (balance - amt))
do Inr; Zero; Loop (atmInner balance))
atmClient : Client Atm
atmClient = do Lift (putStr "ID: ")
id <- Lift getLine
Send id
(do Enter; atmClientLoop)
(do Lift (putStrLn "Unrecognized ID."); Close)
atmClientLoop =
do Lift (putStrLn "Deposit/Withdraw/Quit")
cmd <- Lift getLine
case toLower cmd of
"deposit" =>
do Inl; Lift (putStr "Amount: ")
input <- Lift getLine
let amt = cast input
Send amt
balance <- Recv
Lift (putStr "Current balance: ")
Lift (printLn balance)
Zero; Loop atmClientLoop
"withdraw" =>
do Inr; Inl; Lift (putStr "Amount: ")
input <- Lift getLine
let amt = cast input
Send amt
(do Lift (putStrLn "Success.")
Zero; Loop atmClientLoop)
(do Lift (putStrLn "Insufficient funds.")
Zero; Loop atmClientLoop)
"quit" => do Inr; Inr; Close
_ => do Lift (putStrLn "Unrecognized input.")
Loop atmClientLoop
accept : Server p -> IO ()
accept s = do Just chan <- listen 1 | Nothing => accept s
run forever chan s; pure ()
request : PID -> Client p -> IO ()
request pid s = do Just chan <- connect pid | Nothing => request pid s
run forever chan s; pure ()
main : IO ()
main = do Just srv <- spawn (accept (atm 0)) | Nothing => main
request srv atmClient
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