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Created December 6, 2019 20:07
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//require('dotenv').config({ debug: process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS })
const translateG = require('./translate');
const getFiles = require('./getFiles');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const cliProgress = require('cli-progress');
const targetLang = 'ru'
// входная папка
const dir = '../data/boards/sciences/'
const arrFieldsForTranslate = [
// 'body',
const filePath = function (p, lang) {
if (lang) return `../data/boards-${lang}/${p.subreddit.display_name}/${}.json`
return `../data/boards/${p.subreddit.display_name}/${}.json`
const pbSubr = new cliProgress.SingleBar({
format: '{dir}: [{bar}] {percentage}% | {value}/{total} ',
hideCursor: true
}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
//let promArr = []
const startApp = () => {
getFiles(dir, function (err, files) {
pbSubr.start(files.length, 0);
files.forEach( file => {
fs.pathExists(file.replace('data\\boards\\', 'data\\boards-ru\\'))
.then(exists => {
if(!exists) {
translatorWithErrorHandle (file);
} else {
pbSubr.update(undefined, {dir: file.split('\\')[3]});
const translatorWithErrorHandle = (file) => {
translator (file)
.catch(err => {
if (err.code == 'ETIMEDOUT' || err.code == 'ECONNRESET') {
} else {
const translator = (fileAddress) => {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) =>{
.then( async (post) => {
let double = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(post))
await asyncForIn( post, async field => {
if( arrFieldsForTranslate.indexOf(field) >-1 && post[field] != "") {
try {
double[field] = await translateG (post[field], targetLang)
if (field === 'body_html') {
double['body_html'] = double['body_html'].replace(/<\/\s/g, '</').replace(/<Ч\s\//g, '</')
} catch(err) {
} else if( field === 'replies' && post.replies ) {
try {
if (post.replies.length) double.replies = await comTranslate (post.replies)
} catch(err) {
fs.outputFile( filePath(double, targetLang), JSON.stringify( double ))
.then( r => {pbSubr.increment() ; resolve('done')})
.catch(err => console.log(`ERROR! (${err}) -> ${double.subreddit.display_name}/${}`))
.catch(err => {
const comTranslate = async (arr) => {
let newArr = []
let obj = {}
await asyncForEach ( arr, async (com) => {
await asyncForIn( com, async field => {
obj = com
if( arrFieldsForTranslate.indexOf(field) >-1 ) {
obj[field]= await translateG (com[field], targetLang)
if (field === 'body_html') {
obj['body_html'] = obj['body_html'].replace(/<\/\s/g, '</').replace(/<Ч\s\//g, '</')
} else if( field === 'replies' && com.replies ) {
if (com.replies.length) obj.replies = await comTranslate (com.replies)
return newArr
async function asyncForEach(array, callback) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
async function asyncForIn(object, callback) {
//for (let index = 0; index < object.length; index++) {
for (field in object) {
await callback( field, object);
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