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Forked from xymox12/extend_eo_events_shortcode.php
Last active December 28, 2015 20:49
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Thanks to the author of this great plugin: Stephen Harris
* (Events Organiser)[]
* (Original Shortcode docs)[]
This simply extends the Wordpress Events Organiser plugin's shortcode to allow
the use of an alternative template (in this case shortcode-group-by-date-event-list.php)
and the use of a new attribute, group_by_period. Pagination is also included
(add and activate the plugin wp-pagenavi to increase the functionality).
Don't use the templating ability of the orginal with this as it won't work as
expected - instead modify the child template.
## Install
* Add the code in extend_eo_events_shortcode.php into your child themes function.php
* shortcode-group-by-date-event-list.php goes in your child theme folder
## Useage
* All attributes of the original [eo_events] shortcode should still
work (not fully tested)
### New Attribute
* group_by_period
1. day [default]
2. month
3. year
[eo_group_events_by_date event_start_after=now group_by_period=day numberposts=20]
class EO_Shortcode_Grouped_Lists extends EventOrganiser_Shortcodes {
static function init() {
add_shortcode('eo_group_events_by_date', array(__CLASS__, 'handle_eventlist_shortcode'));
// Modified copy of orginal handle_eventlist_shortcode
static function handle_eventlist_shortcode($atts = array(), $content = null) {
$taxs = array('category', 'tag', 'venue');
foreach ($taxs as $tax) {
if (isset($atts['event_' . $tax])) {
$atts['event-' . $tax] = $atts['event_' . $tax];
unset($atts['event_' . $tax]);
if ((isset($atts['venue']) && $atts['venue'] == '%this%') || ( isset($atts['event-venue']) && $atts['event-venue'] == '%this%' )) {
if (eo_get_venue_slug()) {
$atts['event-venue'] = eo_get_venue_slug();
} else {
if (isset($atts['users_events']) && strtolower($atts['users_events']) == 'true') {
$atts['bookee_id'] = get_current_user_id();
$args = array(
'class' => 'eo-events eo-events-shortcode',
'template' => $content,
'no_events' => isset($atts['no_events']) ? $atts['no_events'] : '',
'type' => 'shortcode-group-by-date',
'group_by_period' => isset($atts['group_by_period']) ? $atts['group_by_period'] : '',
// Allow pagination
$atts['paged'] = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
return eventorganiser_list_events($atts, $args, 0);
function extend_events_organiser_class() {
if (class_exists('EventOrganiser_Shortcodes')) {
add_action('init', 'extend_events_organiser_class');
* Event List Widget: Standard List
* The template is used for displaying the [eo_group_events_by_date] shortcode
global $eo_event_loop,$eo_event_loop_args;
//Date % Time format for events
$date_format = get_option('date_format');
$time_format = get_option('time_format');
//The list ID / classes
$id = ( $eo_event_loop_args['id'] ? 'id="'.$eo_event_loop_args['id'].'"' : '' );
$classes = $eo_event_loop_args['class'];
/* Group by day, month, year */
if (isset($eo_event_loop_args['group_by_period'])) {
$groupby = $eo_event_loop_args['group_by_period'];
if ($groupby == 'year') {
$groupby_str = 'Y';
$time_str = 'jS M G.i';
} elseif ($groupby == 'month') {
$groupby_str = 'M Y';
$time_str = 'jS M G.i';
} else {
$groupby_str = 'jS M Y';
$time_str = 'G.i';
$day_check = '';
<?php if( $eo_event_loop->have_posts() ): ?>
<ul <?php echo $id; ?> class="<?php echo esc_attr($classes);?>" >
<?php while( $eo_event_loop->have_posts() ): $eo_event_loop->the_post(); ?>
//Generate HTML classes for this event
$eo_event_classes = eo_get_event_classes();
//For non-all-day events, include time format
$format = ( eo_is_all_day() ? $date_format : $date_format.' '.$time_format );
$day = eo_get_the_start($groupby_str);
if ($day != $day_check) {
if ($day_check != '') {
echo '</ul>'; // close the list here
echo '<h2>' . eo_get_the_start($groupby_str) . '</h2>' . "\r\n", '<ul>';
<li class="<?php echo esc_attr(implode(' ',$eo_event_classes)); ?>" >
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" ><?php the_title(); ?></a> <?php echo __('on','eventorganiser') . ' '.eo_get_the_start($time_str); ?> at <?php echo eo_get_venue_name(); ?></li>
<?php $day_check = $day; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
if (function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) {
wp_pagenavi(array('query' => $eo_event_loop));
} else { ?>
<div id="pagination">
<?php get_previous_posts_link('Newer events &raquo;', $eo_event_loop->max_num_pages);
$get_next_posts_link('&laquo; Older events', $eo_event_loop->max_num_pages); ?>
</div> <?php
<?php elseif( ! empty($eo_event_loop_args['no_events']) ): ?>
<ul id="<?php echo esc_attr($id);?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr($classes);?>" >
<li class="eo-no-events" > <?php echo $eo_event_loop_args['no_events']; ?> </li>
<?php endif; ?>
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