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Last active March 2, 2017 03:27
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Given a VEX Cortex with a motor and potentiometer, this program will allow you to control a pointer in order to spell arbitrary strings.
#pragma config(Sensor, in1, POT, sensorPotentiometer)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, MOTOR1, tmotorVex269_HBridge, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
const static int TOLERANCE = 1; // Leeway for pointing to letter
const static int MOTOR_SPEED = 32; // Speed at which to move motor
const static int WAIT_TIME_SEC = 2; // Number of seconds to wait on each letter
// Function should return degree value of position of letters on the dial.
// (Forgive me, for I know not of how to implement a proper lookup table in C)
// switch statement would also work here
int findPosition(char c){
if(c == 'a')
return 0;
else if(c == 'c')
return 10;
else if(c == 'k')
return 20;
else if(c == 'r')
return 30;
else if(c == 's')
return 40;
else if(c == 't')
return 50;
return 0;
int getDirection(int cur, int next){
if(cur > next)
return -1; // go Backwards
return 1; // go Forwards
int queryPot() {
return SensorValue(POT);
bool withinBounds(int pos){
return pos < (queryPot() + TOLERANCE) && pos > (queryPot() - TOLERANCE);
void moveMotor(int speed, int direction){
setMotor(MOTOR1, (speed * direction));
void pointToCharacter(char c){
int dir = getDirection(queryPot(), findPosition(c));
moveMotor(MOTOR_SPEED, dir); // Move motor until we are within the tolerable bounds of the letter.
moveMotor(0, 1); // Stop motor on letter
task main() {
// You could iterate over a string here.
// Return to home position
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