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Created October 26, 2016 08:30
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[UNITY] Find a player's location through reverse geolocation (using latitude and longitude) by using Google Maps Geocoding API
This gist documents reverse geolocation by using Google Maps Geocoding API, assuming that the player has his/her
location enabled on the phone.
This is done by finding the player's longitude and latitude using:
1) Unity's LocationService (
2) Google Map's Geocoding API (
Reverse geolocation will use the player's longitude and latitude to extract relevant information,
one of which is the player's country, which will be demonstrated here.
Note that you will need a key/authentication to successfully request information.
Get your key through
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MiniJSONV; //Need this for JSON Deserialization
public class GeolocationManager : MonoBehaviour {
//Get a Google API Key from
public string GoogleAPIKey;
public string latitude;
public string longitude;
public string countryLocation;
IEnumerator Start()
// First, check if user has location service enabled
if (!Input.location.isEnabledByUser)
yield break;
// Start service before querying location
// Wait until service initializes
int maxWait = 20;
while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds
if (maxWait < 1)
yield break;
// Connection has failed
if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed)
Debug.Log("Unable to determine device location");
yield break;
// Access granted and location value could be retrieve
longitude = Input.location.lastData.longitude.ToString();
latitude = Input.location.lastData.latitude.ToString();
//Stop retrieving location
//Sends the coordinates to Google Maps API to request information
using (WWW www = new WWW("" +latitude +","+ longitude + "&key=" + GoogleAPIKey)){
yield return www;
//if request was successfully
if(www.error == null)
//Deserialize the JSON file
var location = Json.Deserialize(www.text) as Dictionary<string, object>;
var locationList = location["results"] as List<object>;
var locationList2 = locationList[0] as Dictionary<string, object>;
//Extract the substring information at the end of the locationList2 string
countryLocation = locationList2["formatted_address"].ToString().Substring(locationList2["formatted_address"].ToString().LastIndexOf(",")+2);
//This will return the country information
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