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Last active December 18, 2015 00:08
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vector<int> inorderTraversal_moris(TreeNode *root) {
vector<int> ans;
TreeNode* curr = root;
while(curr) {
if(curr->left) {
TreeNode* p = curr->left;
//find the right-most child, remember to check cycle
while(p->right && p->right != curr) {
p = p->right;
if(NULL == p->right) {//thread it to curr,next in inorder travel
p->right = curr;
curr = curr->left;
}else { //unthread and visit it
p->right = NULL;
curr = curr->right;
}else {
curr = curr->right;
return ans;
int numDecodings(string s) {
vector<int> m(s.length());
int ans = 0;
int x1 = 1; // s[0,i-2]'s num Decodings
int x2 = 1; // s[0,i-1]'s num Decodings
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) {
ans = (s[i] == '0') ? 0 : x2; //s[i] is valid or not?
int tmp = i>0 ? (s[i-1]-'0')*10 : 0;
tmp += s[i]-'0';
if(tmp >= 10 && tmp<=26) {
ans += x1; // s[i-1]s[i] is valid
x1 = x2;
x2 = ans;
return ans;
void flatten(TreeNode *root) {
if(!root) {
stack<TreeNode* > s;
TreeNode* last = NULL;
while(!s.empty()) {
TreeNode* r =;
if(last) {
last->right = r;
last = r;
if(r->right) {
if(r->left) {
r->left = NULL; //flatten to linked list not double linked list
int longestValidParentheses(string s) {
return max( helper(s.begin(), s.end(),'('),
helper(s.rbegin(),s.rend(),')') );
template<class Iter>
int helper(Iter begin, Iter end, int ch) {
int ans = 0;
for(int left=0,right=0; begin!=end; begin++) {
if(*begin == ch) {
}else if(left > right) {
if(right == left) {
ans = max(ans, left<<1);
}else {
right = left = 0;
return ans;
string minWindow(string S, string T) {
//number of char we needed, zero means just ok,minus means more than need
vector<int> char_counts(256,0);
int need_char_num = 0; //how many unique char in T, it's what we need
int min_window_size = INT_MAX;
int min_window_index = -1;
for(int i=0;i<T.length();i++) {
if(char_counts[T[i]] == 1) {
for(int begin=0,end=0; end<S.length(); end++) {
char_counts[S[end]]--;//char not in T will be always minus
if(char_counts[S[end]]==0) {//one char in T satisfied
while(begin < end && char_counts[S[begin]]<0) {
//try our best to minify the window by moving begin
if(need_char_num == 0) {//all char in the window now
if(end-begin+1 < min_window_size) {
min_window_size = end-begin+1;
min_window_index = begin;
return min_window_index < 0 ? "" : S.substr(min_window_index,min_window_size);
ListNode *partition(ListNode *head, int x) {
ListNode *h1, *p1, *h2, *p2;
h1 = p1 = h2 = p2 = NULL;
while(head) {
if(head->val < x) {
if(p1) {
p1 = p1->next = head;
}else {
h1 = p1 = head;
}else {
if(p2) {
p2 = p2->next = head;
}else {
h2 = p2 = head;
head = head->next;
if(p1) {
p1->next = h2;
if(p2) {
p2->next = NULL;
return h1 ? h1 : h2;
vector<vector<int> > generateMatrix(int n) {
vector<vector<int> > ans(n,vector<int>(n));
int left,right,top,bottom, x;
left = top = 0;
right = bottom = n-1;
while(left<=right && top<=bottom) {
for(int i=left;i<=right;i++) {
ans[top][i] = x++;
if(++top > bottom) break;
for(int i=top;i<=bottom;i++) {
ans[i][right] = x++;
if(--right < left) break;
for(int i=right;i>=left;i--) {
ans[bottom][i] = x++;
if(--bottom < top) break;
for(int i=bottom;i>=top;i--) {
ans[i][left] = x++;
if(++left > right) break;
return ans;
vector<int> spiralOrder(vector<vector<int> > &matrix) {
vector<int> ans;
if(matrix.size() == 0) {
return ans;
int left, right, top, bottom, count;
left = top = 0;
right = matrix[0].size() -1;
bottom = matrix.size() -1;
while(left<=right && top<=bottom) {
for(int i=left;top<=bottom && i<=right;i++) {
if(++top > bottom) break;
for(int i=top;left<=right && i<=bottom;i++) {
if(--right < left) break;
for(int i=right;top<=bottom && i>=left;i--) {
if(--bottom < top) break;
for(int i=bottom;left<=right && i>=top;i--) {
if(++left > right) break;
return ans;
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