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Created April 6, 2016 00:10
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import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (collage, filled, move, ngon)
import Color exposing (green, purple)
-- function(
four =
sqrt 16
eleven =
max 2 11
twenty =
max (sqrt 100) (4 * 5)
-- main =
-- show [four, eleven, twenty] -- [4,11,20]
-- infix(
five =
2 + 3
sixteen =
8 * 2
ten =
(4 * 3) - 2
thirteen =
4 * 3 + 1
isTeenage age =
(age > 12) && (age < 20)
isTeenage' age =
age > 12 && age < 20
-- main =
-- show
-- [ isTeenage four
-- , isTeenage sixteen
-- , isTeenage eleven
-- , isTeenage thirteen
-- ] -- [False,True,False,True]
-- use fewer parens(
-- main =
-- collage 200 200 [purplePentagon, greenPentagon]
purplePentagon =
move (20, 20) (filled purple (ngon 5 50))
greenPentagon =
ngon 5 50
|> filled green
|> move (-20, -20)
-- define function(
add x y =
x + y
factorial n =
List.product [1..n]
-- main =
-- show (add 1 (factorial 4)) -- 25
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