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Created March 15, 2012 17:37
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Save chuckbergeron/2045523 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
One Database Per Branch, Per Environment
CURRENT_BRANCH = `git status | head -1`.to_s.gsub('# On branch ','').chomp
database_prefix = 'app'
environments = %W( development test )
defaults: &defaults
pool: 5
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
username: root
host: localhost
<% environments.each do |environment| %>
<%= environment %>:
<<: *defaults
database: <%= [ database_prefix, CURRENT_BRANCH, environment ].join('_').underscore %>
<% end %>
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If you want to include this dynamic database file in a rake or capistrano task you may need to do something like this:

  CURRENT_BRANCH = `git status | head -1`.to_s.gsub('# On branch ','').chomp
  @environment_info = YAML::load( File.join( 'config', 'database.yml' ) ) ).result )["development"]

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Just added a .underscore call at the end of the interpolated database string. Wasn't happy when a git branch had a "-" in it.

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