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Last active September 11, 2023 22:00
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PoolTogether v5 Hyperstructure - Arbitrage Bot, Optimal Amount Outs
const { originalMaxAmountOut, wantedAmountsOut } = await calculateAmountOut(
// Calculates necessary input parameters for the swap call based on current state
// of the contracts
const calculateAmountOut = async (
liquidationPair: Contract,
context: ArbLiquidatorContext,
): Promise<{
originalMaxAmountOut: BigNumber;
wantedAmountsOut: BigNumber[];
}> => {
const wantedAmountsOut = [];
const amountOut = await liquidationPair.callStatic.maxAmountOut();
// Get multiple data points across the auction function to determine
// the most amount of profitability (most amount out for least amount
// of token in depending on the state of the gradual auction)
for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
const amountToSendPercent = i;
const wantedAmountOut = amountOut
return {
originalMaxAmountOut: amountOut,
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